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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"My friends who are studying together with me in this School of Joseph! Since the reality is this and the Risale-i Nur proves it so clearly and decisively, like sunlight, that for twenty years it has broken the obstinacy of the obdurate and brought them to believe; we should therefore follow the way of belief and right conduct, which is easy and safe and beneficial for both our own worlds, and our futures, and our lives in the hereafter, and our country a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("I replied: “You cannot be like the irreligious people of Europe, either. For even if they deny one prophet, they can believe in the others. If they do not know the prophets, they may believe in God. And even if they do not know God, they may possess certain personal qualities through which they find fulfilment. But if a Muslim denies the Prophet of the End of Time (Peace and blessings be upon him), who was the final and greatest of the prophets and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("My friends who are studying together with me in this School of Joseph! Since the reality is this and the Risale-i Nur proves it so clearly and decisively, like sunlight, that for twenty years it has broken the obstinacy of the obdurate and brought them to believe; we should therefore follow the way of belief and right conduct, which is easy and safe and beneficial for both our own worlds, and our futures, and our lives in the hereafter, and our country a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
98. satır: 98. satır:
nothing at all about this ghastly World War, which has plunged the whole world into chaos and is closely connected with the fate of the Islamic world, nor have you been curious  about it. Whereas some religious and learned persons are leaving  the congregation in the mosques and racing to listen to the radio. Is there some event more momentous than the war? Or is it harmful in some way to be preoccupied with it?”
nothing at all about this ghastly World War, which has plunged the whole world into chaos and is closely connected with the fate of the Islamic world, nor have you been curious  about it. Whereas some religious and learned persons are leaving  the congregation in the mosques and racing to listen to the radio. Is there some event more momentous than the war? Or is it harmful in some way to be preoccupied with it?”

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I replied to them:
'''Cevaben dedim ki:'''

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Life’s capital is very little and the work to be done is much. There are spheres one within  the other  like concentric circles,  from the sphere of man’s  heart and stomach, and that of his home and body, and that of the quarter in which he lives and his town, and his country and land, and the globe and mankind, to the spheres of animate beings and the world. Each person may have duties in each of those spheres, but the most important and permanent of these are those in the smallest sphere. While his least important and  temporary duties may be in the largest sphere. According to this analogy, the largest and smallest  are in inverse proportion.
Ömür sermayesi pek azdır. Lüzumlu işler pek çoktur. Birbiri içinde mütedâhil daireler gibi her insanın kalp ve mide dairesinden ve ceset ve hane dairesinden, mahalle ve şehir dairesinden ve vatan ve memleket dairesinden ve küre-i arz ve nev-i beşer dairesinden tut tâ zîhayat ve dünya dairesine kadar, birbiri içinde daireler var. Her bir dairede her bir insanın bir nevi vazifesi bulunabilir. Fakat en küçük dairede, en büyük ve ehemmiyetli ve daimî vazife var. Ve en büyük dairede en küçük ve muvakkat, ara sıra vazife bulunabilir. Bu kıyas ile küçüklük ve büyüklük makûsen mütenasip vazifeler bulunabilir.

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