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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Who, through demonstrating an aspect of miraculousness pertaining to each of the forty levels of the Qur’an of Mighty Stature, and through it being the pre-eternal Word of God, and through the works The Miraculousness of the Qur’an and The Eight Symbols from the Risale-i Nur, and the extraordinary efforts of the heroic brothers and students of the Risale-i Nur like the chief writer of the ‘Rose Factory,’ and through Husrev, one of the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("and has made the angels called Munkar and Nakir, who will enter there, familiar companions for the people of truth and those who have taken the way of reality; and included the Risale-i Nur students among ‘students of the religious sciences,’ and discovered on the death of the late heroic martyr Hafiz Ali that they reply to the questions of Munkar and Nakir with the Risale-i Nur," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Who, through demonstrating an aspect of miraculousness pertaining to each of the forty levels of the Qur’an of Mighty Stature, and through it being the pre-eternal Word of God, and through the works The Miraculousness of the Qur’an and The Eight Symbols from the Risale-i Nur, and the extraordinary efforts of the heroic brothers and students of the Risale-i Nur like the chief writer of the ‘Rose Factory,’ and through Husrev, one of the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
940. satır: 940. satır:
and who  beseeches Divine mercy that those of us who are still living will also reply with the Risale-i Nur...
and who  beseeches Divine mercy that those of us who are still living will also reply with the Risale-i Nur...

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Who, through demonstrating an aspect of miraculousness pertaining to each of the forty levels of the Qur’an of Mighty Stature, and through it being the pre-eternal Word of God, and through the works The Miraculousness of the Qur’an and The Eight Symbols from the  Risale-i Nur, and the extraordinary efforts of the heroic brothers and  students  of the  Risale-i Nur like  the chief writer  of the  ‘Rose  Factory,’  and through Husrev, one of the heroic scribes of the Risale-i Nur being commanded to “write!”, although no one since the time of the Prophet (PBUH) had been able to write it in such miraculous fashion, its being  written like the Qur’an inscribed on the Preserved Tablet, — has proved in beautiful and brilliant fashion, never before seen or heard, that the Qur’an of Mighty Stature is the true Word  of God, and the greatest of all the revealed books, and  that  there  are  thousands  of  Sura  al-Fatiha’s  within  one  Sura  al-Fatiha,  and thousands of Sura al-Ikhlas’s within one Sura al-Ikhlas, and that its letters yield ten, a hundred, a thousand, and thousands of merits and good deeds...
Ve Hazret-i Kur’an’ı, Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın kırk tabakadan her tabakaya göre bir nevi i’caz-ı manevîsini göstermesiyle ve umum kâinata bakan kelâm-ı ezelî olmasıyla ve tefsiri olan Risale-i Nur’un Mu’cizat-ı Kur’aniye ve Rumuzat-ı Semaniye risaleleriyle ve Risale-i Nur Gül Fabrikasının serkâtibi gibi kahraman kardeşlerin ve şakirdlerin fevkalâde gayretleriyle asr-ı saadetten beri böyle hârika bir surette mu’cizeli olarak yazılmasına hiç kimse kādir olmadığı halde Risale-i Nur’un kahraman bir kâtibi olan Hüsrev’e “Yaz!” emir buyurulmasıyla, Levh-i Mahfuz’daki yazılan Kur’an gibi yazılması ve Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın hak kelâmullah olduğunu ve bütün semavî kitapların en büyüğü ve en efdali ve bir Fatiha içinde binler Fatiha ve bir İhlas içinde binler İhlas ve hurufatının birden on ve yüz ve bin ve binler sevap ve hasene verdiklerini hiç görülmedik ve işitilmedik pek güzel ve hârika bir surette tarif ve ispat eden;

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Who has proved, through the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition demonstrating its miraculousness for one thousand three hundred years and halting those who oppose it, and through the proofs of the Risale-i Nur that are so clear as to be almost visible, and through the diamond pens of the Risale-i Nur students, that the Twenty-Fifth Word and  its  Addenda,  which  have  challenged  the  world  and  silenced  even  the  most obdurate, are miracles of the Qur’an in forty aspects...
Ve Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın bin üç yüz seneden beri i’cazını göstermesiyle ve muarızlarını durdurmasıyla ve Nur’un gözlere gösterir derecede zâhir delilleri ile ve Nur şakirdlerinin elmas kalemleriyle bu zamana kadar misli görülmedik Risale-i Nur’un dünyaya ferman okuyan ve en mütemerrid ve muannidleri susturan Yirmi Beşinci Söz ve zeylleri kırk vecihle i’caz-ı Kur’anî olduğunu ispat eden;

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