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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"and through the firm and steadfast attachment to their work of the Risale-i Nur students despite the extremely difficult circumstances, has shown how profitable it is to follow the practices of that Being (PBUH) and that to follow a single of his practices at this time gains the reward of a hundred martyrs, and has proved absolutely certainly that for twenty years the Risale-i Nur has repulsed the calamities and disasters that would otherwise have been v..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Who, through demonstrating an aspect of miraculousness pertaining to each of the forty levels of the Qur’an of Mighty Stature, and through it being the pre-eternal Word of God, and through the works The Miraculousness of the Qur’an and The Eight Symbols from the Risale-i Nur, and the extraordinary efforts of the heroic brothers and students of the Risale-i Nur like the chief writer of the ‘Rose Factory,’ and through Husrev, one of the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("and through the firm and steadfast attachment to their work of the Risale-i Nur students despite the extremely difficult circumstances, has shown how profitable it is to follow the practices of that Being (PBUH) and that to follow a single of his practices at this time gains the reward of a hundred martyrs, and has proved absolutely certainly that for twenty years the Risale-i Nur has repulsed the calamities and disasters that would otherwise have been v..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
944. satır: 944. satır:
Who has proved, through the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition demonstrating its miraculousness for one thousand three hundred years and halting those who oppose it, and through the proofs of the Risale-i Nur that are so clear as to be almost visible, and through the diamond pens of the Risale-i Nur students, that the Twenty-Fifth Word and  its  Addenda,  which  have  challenged  the  world  and  silenced  even  the  most obdurate, are miracles of the Qur’an in forty aspects...
Who has proved, through the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition demonstrating its miraculousness for one thousand three hundred years and halting those who oppose it, and through the proofs of the Risale-i Nur that are so clear as to be almost visible, and through the diamond pens of the Risale-i Nur students, that the Twenty-Fifth Word and  its  Addenda,  which  have  challenged  the  world  and  silenced  even  the  most obdurate, are miracles of the Qur’an in forty aspects...

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Who  has proved in the treatise from the Risale-i Nur called  The Miracles  of Muhammad  (PBUH)  thousands  of miracles  showing  that  Muhammad  (Peace  and blessings be upon him) was a true Messenger, the lord of all the twenty-four thousand prophets, and the  most virtuous of them, and through the Qur’an of Mighty Stature proclaiming to the universe that God’s Noble Messenger (PBUH) was sent as a Mercy to All the Worlds, and the Risale-i Nur demonstrating from beginning to end that he was a Mercy to All the Worlds, and  showing even to the blind that the Messenger’s deeds and conduct are the finest and best  example to be followed in the world, and through the testimony of calamities being lifted when the Risale-i Nur is disseminated in  Anatolia  and  other  countries, and  disasters  occurring  when  it  is  silenced,
Ve ey Hazret-i Peygamber aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın hak peygamber olduğuna ve umum yüz yirmi dört bin peygamberlerin efdali ve seyyidi olduğuna dair binler mu’cizelerini “Mu’cizat-ı Ahmediye” (asm) namındaki Risale-i Nur’u ile güzel bir surette ispat eden ve Kur’an-ı Azîmüşşan’ın Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın rahmeten li’l-âlemîn olduğunu kâinatta ilan etmesiyle ve Nur’un baştan nihayete kadar onun rahmeten li’l-âlemîn olduğunu bürhanlarla ispat etmesiyle ve o resulün ef’al ve ahvali, kâinatta numune-i iktida olacak en sağlam, en güzel rehber olduğunu hattâ körlere de göstermesiyle ve Anadolu ve hususi memleketlerde Nur’un intişarı zamanında belaların ref’i ve susturulmasıyla musibetlerin gelmesi şehadetiyle ve Nur şakirdlerinin gayet ağır müşkülatlar içinde kemal-i metanetle hizmet ve irtibatlarıyla o zatın (asm) sünnet-i seniyesine ittiba etmek, ne kadar kârlı olduğunu ve bir sünnete bu zamanda ittibada yüz şehidin ecrini kazandığını bildiren;

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and through the firm and steadfast attachment to their work of the Risale-i Nur students despite the extremely difficult circumstances, has shown how profitable it is to follow the practices of that Being (PBUH) and that to follow a single of his practices at this time gains the reward of a hundred martyrs, and has proved absolutely certainly that for twenty years the Risale-i Nur has repulsed the calamities and disasters that would otherwise have been visited on Anatolia, the same as alms-giving repels disaster!
Ve sadaka, kaza ve belayı nasıl def’ediyorsa Risale-i Nur’un da Anadolu’ya gelecek kazayı, belayı, yirmi senedir def’ettiğini aynelyakîn ispat eden üstad-ı ekremimiz efendimiz hazretleri!

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Now, since the Risale-i Nur’s acquittal has filled with joy foremost our beloved Master, then us impotent, faulty students, then the Islamic world, and occasioned a second festival,  we congratulate you on this great festival of yours, and offering our congratulations for Ramadan and the Night of Power, the third festival, we beseech Almighty God we shall see many more, and imploring forgiveness for our faults and the faulty among us, we send the greetings of all here and kiss your blessed hands, and beseech your prayers, o our Master!
Şimdi şu Risale-i Nur’un beraeti, başta siz sevgili üstadımızı, sonra biz âciz, kusurlu talebelerinizi, sonra âlem-i İslâm’ı sürura sevk ederek ikinci büyük bir bayram yaptırdığından siz mübarek üstadımızın bu büyük bayram-ı şerifinizi tebrik ile ve yine üçüncü bayram olan ramazan-ı şerifinizi ve Leyle-i Kadrinizi tebrik, emsal-i kesîresiyle müşerref olmaklığımızı niyaz ve biz kusurluların kusurlarımızın affını rica ederek umumen selâm ile mübarek ellerinizden öper ve dualarınızı temenni ederiz, efendimiz hazretleri.

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The Risale-i Nur students in Isparta and its environs
'''Isparta ve havalisinde bulunan Nur talebeleri'''

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