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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Discuss this among yourselves now without argument; I shall accept your decision. But if in your discussions you take into consideration the possibility that if my defence goes to Ankara and is studied there the court here may come to a decision about those whose release is possible; and the possibility that those who struggle against us, and exiled Abdülbaki, Abdülhakim, and Haji Süleyman, and made Yesil Semsi remain here after he had been..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Fifth Point:''' We have understood certainly through our experiences of both here and Eskişehir that due to it all being the same case, our greatest need is for complete solidarity. Taking offence and being irritable and critical due to the hardships doubles the wretchedness of our plight. Regretably, it was you that I had the most confidence in and trusted most. Sometimes when I feel a twinge of anxiety, I think of Kamil Hoja and Siddik Hoja from Is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Discuss this among yourselves now without argument; I shall accept your decision. But if in your discussions you take into consideration the possibility that if my defence goes to Ankara and is studied there the court here may come to a decision about those whose release is possible; and the possibility that those who struggle against us, and exiled Abdülbaki, Abdülhakim, and Haji Süleyman, and made Yesil Semsi remain here after he had been..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
623. satır: 623. satır:
'''Fifth Point:''' We have understood certainly through our experiences of both here and Eskişehir that due to it all being the same case, our greatest need is for complete solidarity. Taking offence and being irritable and critical due to the hardships doubles the wretchedness of our plight. Regretably, it was you that I had the most confidence in and trusted most. Sometimes when I feel a twinge of anxiety, I think of Kamil Hoja and Siddik Hoja from Istanbul and the people in the province of Kastamonu who have displayed  an extraordinary loyalty, and  my anxiety evaporates. Be careful that  the secret organization that supports absolute disbelief does not infiltrate you. It infiltrated the ward next to me and caused  me  indescribable torment.
'''Fifth Point:''' We have understood certainly through our experiences of both here and Eskişehir that due to it all being the same case, our greatest need is for complete solidarity. Taking offence and being irritable and critical due to the hardships doubles the wretchedness of our plight. Regretably, it was you that I had the most confidence in and trusted most. Sometimes when I feel a twinge of anxiety, I think of Kamil Hoja and Siddik Hoja from Istanbul and the people in the province of Kastamonu who have displayed  an extraordinary loyalty, and  my anxiety evaporates. Be careful that  the secret organization that supports absolute disbelief does not infiltrate you. It infiltrated the ward next to me and caused  me  indescribable torment.

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Discuss this among yourselves  now  without argument; I  shall  accept your decision. But if in your discussions  you take into  consideration  the  possibility that  if my  defence goes to Ankara and is studied there the court here may come to a decision about those whose release is possible; and the possibility that those who struggle against us, and exiled Abdülbaki, Abdülhakim, and Haji Süleyman, and made Yesil Semsi remain here after he had  been officially released, will not release those like Hafiz Mehmed and Seyyid Sefik, with their firm adherence to religion and refusal to bow  before  the dead leader and his picture, and their demonstrating their lack of support for atheism and innovations. You should also take into  consideration that it is of the greatest importance that the Risale-i Nur emerges from  obscurity  and in a momentous general question at a time they are contesting themselves in their centres, the hesitant and bewildered people of belief can find the students  behind  them  and by not  running away it  can be shown to  them that  the students are bound to an unshakeable and invincible truth. Beware! Take no notice of each other’s faults; have respect  instead of feeling angry, and help each other rather than being critical.
Şimdi siz, mabeyninizde münakaşasız bir meşveret ediniz. Kararınızı kabul ederim. Fakat benim müdafaatım tâ Ankara’ya gitse ve medar-ı nazar olsa buradaki mahkeme, kurtulması mümkün olanlar hakkında kararını vermek ihtimalini hem şimdi bizimle uğraşan ve Abdülbâki ve Abdülhakîm ve Hacı Süleyman’ı nefyeden ve Yeşil Şemsi’yi tahliyeden sonra burada durduran adamlar, elbette Hâfız Mehmed ve Seyyid Şefik gibi salabet-i diniyeleri ile ve onların ölmüş reislerine ve suretine baş eğmemesiyle ve ilhad ve bid’alara taraftarlıklarını göstermemesiyle beraber, serbest bırakmamak ihtimalini de hem Risale-i Nur’un tesettür perdesinden çıkıp gayet büyük ve umumî bir meselede kendi kendine merkezlerinde mübarezesi zamanında şakirdlerini arkasında bulmak ve kaçmamakla sarsılmaz ve mağlup olmaz bir hakikate bağlandıklarını mütereddid ve mütehayyir ehl-i imana göstermesi gayet lüzumlu olduğunu dahi nazarınıza ve meşveretinize alınız. '''Sakın sakın birbirinizin kusuruna bakmayın; hiddet yerinde hürmet ediniz, itiraz yerinde yardım ediniz.'''

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