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"'''Fifth Point:''' We have understood certainly through our experiences of both here and Eskişehir that due to it all being the same case, our greatest need is for complete solidarity. Taking offence and being irritable and critical due to the hardships doubles the wretchedness of our plight. Regretably, it was you that I had the most confidence in and trusted most. Sometimes when I feel a twinge of anxiety, I think of Kamil Hoja and Siddik Hoja from Is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For the past year they have planted spies among us who carefully record the disclosures of simple-minded and rash students, and have employed every means to wreck us and make us regret our way, and have even mobilized Shaykh Abdülhakim against us. But they have ruined him the same as they have ruined us and Shaykh Abdülbaki and Shaykh Süleyman, who has objected to me from time to time, so your denials to them and your running away will make absolute..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Fifth Point:''' We have understood certainly through our experiences of both here and Eskişehir that due to it all being the same case, our greatest need is for complete solidarity. Taking offence and being irritable and critical due to the hardships doubles the wretchedness of our plight. Regretably, it was you that I had the most confidence in and trusted most. Sometimes when I feel a twinge of anxiety, I think of Kamil Hoja and Siddik Hoja from Is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
621. satır: 621. satır:
For the past year they have planted spies among us who carefully record the disclosures of simple-minded and rash  students, and have employed every means to wreck us and make us regret our way, and have even mobilized Shaykh Abdülhakim against us. But they have ruined him the same as they  have ruined us and Shaykh Abdülbaki and Shaykh Süleyman, who has objected to me from time to time, so your denials to them and your running away will make absolutely no difference to what they think, and what they call “discretionary conviction,” just as it made no difference in Eskişehir.
For the past year they have planted spies among us who carefully record the disclosures of simple-minded and rash  students, and have employed every means to wreck us and make us regret our way, and have even mobilized Shaykh Abdülhakim against us. But they have ruined him the same as they  have ruined us and Shaykh Abdülbaki and Shaykh Süleyman, who has objected to me from time to time, so your denials to them and your running away will make absolutely no difference to what they think, and what they call “discretionary conviction,” just as it made no difference in Eskişehir.

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'''Fifth Point:''' We have understood certainly through our experiences of both here and Eskişehir that due to it all being the same case, our greatest need is for complete solidarity. Taking offence and being irritable and critical due to the hardships doubles the wretchedness of our plight. Regretably, it was you that I had the most confidence in and trusted most. Sometimes when I feel a twinge of anxiety, I think of Kamil Hoja and Siddik Hoja from Istanbul and the people in the province of Kastamonu who have displayed  an extraordinary loyalty, and  my anxiety evaporates. Be careful that  the secret organization that supports absolute disbelief does not infiltrate you. It infiltrated the ward next to me and caused  me  indescribable torment.
'''Beşinci Nokta:''' Biz hem burada hem Eskişehir’de tecrübe ile kat’î anladık ki: Biz, vahdet-i mesele cihetiyle tam bir tesanüde şiddetle muhtacız. Sıkıntıdan gelen gücenmekler ve titizlikler ve itirazlar, bizim perişaniyetimizi ikileştirir. Maatteessüf en ziyade güvendiğim ve itimat ettiğim, sizlerdiniz. Bazı hatırıma bir telaş geldiği vakit, İstanbul’dan gelen kâmil ve sıddık hocalar ve Kastamonu vilayetinde fevkalâde sadakat gösteren zatları tahattur ile o endişem zâil olurdu. Dikkat ediniz, küfr-ü mutlakı müdafaa eden gizli komite içinize parmak sokmasın. Benim komşudaki koğuşa parmağını soktu, beni azap içinde bıraktı.

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