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Yirmidokuzuncu Lem'adan İkinci Bâb/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O man! Your one and only point of support is belief in God. The only source of assistance for your spirit and conscience is belief in the hereafter. One who does not know of these two sources suffers constant fear in his heart and spirit, and his conscience is perpetually tormented. While the person who seeks support from the first point and help from the second, experiences many pleasures and delights in his heart and spirit, so that he i..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Difficulties which occur on the road like death and the grave are sources of happiness by reason of their results. For the road which leads to the luminous worlds passes through the grave, and the greatest happiness is the result of the worst, most grievous disasters. For example, Joseph (PUH) attained the happiness of being ruler of Egypt only by way of being thrown into the well by his brothers and cast into prison at the slanders of Zulaikha. In the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O man! Your one and only point of support is belief in God. The only source of assistance for your spirit and conscience is belief in the hereafter. One who does not know of these two sources suffers constant fear in his heart and spirit, and his conscience is perpetually tormented. While the person who seeks support from the first point and help from the second, experiences many pleasures and delights in his heart and spirit, so that he i..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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The fact that belief affords sources of support and assistance necessitates saying: “All praise be to God!”
İmanın istinad ve istimdad noktalarını hâvi olmasından da “Elhamdülillah” demesini iktiza eder.

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Yes, because of their impotence and their multitudinous enemies, humankind are in need of a source of support to which they can have recourse to repulse those enemies. Like- wise, because of the abundance of their needs and their extreme poverty, they need a source of assistance from which they may seek help, so that through it they may meet their needs.
Evet nev-i beşer, aczi ve düşmanların kesreti dolayısıyla dayanacak bir nokta-i istinada muhtaçtır ki düşmanlarını def’ için o noktaya iltica etsin. Ve keza kesret-i hâcat ve şiddet-i fakr dolayısıyla da istimdad edecek bir nokta-i istimdada muhtaçtır ki onun yardımıyla ihtiyaçlarını def’etsin.

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O man! Your one and only point of support is belief in God. The only source of assistance for your spirit and conscience is belief in the hereafter. One who does not know  of  these  two  sources  suffers  constant  fear  in  his  heart  and  spirit, and  his conscience is  perpetually tormented. While the person who seeks support from the first point and help from the second, experiences many pleasures and delights in his heart and spirit, so that he is both consoled, and his conscience is at ease.
Ey insan! Senin nokta-i istinadın ancak ve ancak Allah’a olan imandır. Ruhuna, vicdanına nokta-i istimdad ise ancak âhirete olan imandır. Binaenaleyh bu her iki noktadan haberi olmayan bir insanın kalbi, ruhu tevahhuş eder; vicdanı daima muazzeb olur. Lâkin birinci noktaya istinad ve ikincisinden de istimdad eden adam kalben ve ruhen pek çok zevk ve lezzetleri, ünsiyetleri hisseder ki hem müteselli hem vicdanı mutmain olur.

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Through showing that similar pleasures exist and will be bestowed, the light of belief removes the pain that occurs when lawful pleasures start to fade. Furthermore, through pointing out the source of bounties, it ensures that the bounties continue and do not diminish.
İman nuru, lezaiz-i meşruanın zevale başladıkları zaman hasıl olan elemleri, emsalinin vürûd ve gelmekte olduklarını göstermekle izale eder. Ve keza nimetlerin devam edip tenakus etmemesini, nimetlerin menbaını göstermekle temin eder.

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Similarly, through showing the pleasure of renewed acqaintance, it removes the pain of separation and parting. That is to say, while many pains occur at the thought of  the  passing  of  a  single  pleasure,  belief  removes  them  by  calling  to  mind  the recurrence of the pleasure. In any event there are further pleasures in the renewal of pleasure. If a fruit has no  tree, its pleasure is restricted to and ceases on its being eaten, and its ceasing is the cause of sorrow. But if the fruit’s tree is known, there is no pain when the fruit ceases to exist, for there are others to come in its place.
Ve keza firak ve ayrılmaların elemlerini, teceddüd-ü emsalinin lezzetini göstermekle izale eder. Yani zeval düşüncesiyle bir lezzette çok elemler olur ki iman, o elemleri teceddüd-ü emsal ile ihtar ve izale eder. Maahâzâ lezzetlerin teceddüdünde de başka lezzetler vardır. Evet, bir semerenin şeceresi olmasa o semerede münhasır kalan lezzet, onun yemesiyle zâil olur ve zevali de mûcib-i teessür olur. Fakat o semerenin şeceresi maruf ise o semerenin zevalinden elem hasıl olmuyor, çünkü yerine gelen var. Ve aynı zamanda teceddüd, haddizatında bir lezzettir.

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At the same time, renewal is in itself a pleasure. For what troubles the human spirit most are the pains arising from separation. Whereas the light of belief removes those pains through the hope of renewed meeting and the recurrence of similar encounters.
Ve keza ruh-u beşeri en ziyade sıkan, ayrılmalardan neş’et eden elemlerdir. Nur-u iman, o elemleri teceddüd-ü emsal ve tahaddüs-ü visal ümidiyle izale eder.

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