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Yirmidokuzuncu Lem'adan İkinci Bâb/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, because of their impotence and their multitudinous enemies, humankind are in need of a source of support to which they can have recourse to repulse those enemies. Like- wise, because of the abundance of their needs and their extreme poverty, they need a source of assistance from which they may seek help, so that through it they may meet their needs." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==FIFTH POINT==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, because of their impotence and their multitudinous enemies, humankind are in need of a source of support to which they can have recourse to repulse those enemies. Like- wise, because of the abundance of their needs and their extreme poverty, they need a source of assistance from which they may seek help, so that through it they may meet their needs." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
88. satır: 88. satır:
The view of belief on the other hand, sees them as living creatures; not as orphans but officials charged with duties; as servants glorifying and extolling God.
The view of belief on the other hand, sees them as living creatures; not as orphans but officials charged with duties; as servants glorifying and extolling God.

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The light of belief depicts this world and the hereafter as two tables displaying numerous  varieties of bounties from which a believer benefits through the hand of belief, his  inner and external senses, and his subtle, spiritual faculties. In the view of misguidance, the  sphere  from which  a  living  being  may benefit  diminishes  and  is restricted to material  pleasures.
Nur-u iman, dünya ve âhiret âlemlerini çeşit çeşit nimetlere zarf iki sofra ile tasvir eder ki mü’min olan kimse iman eliyle ve zâhirî, bâtınî duygularıyla ve manevî, ruhî olan letaifiyle o sofralardan istifade ediyor. Dalalet nazarında ise zevi’l-hayatın daire-i istifadesi küçülür, maddî lezzetlere münhasırdır.

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