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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The First:''' Almighty God is the possessor of such absolute power that He can bring existence into being and despatch it to non-existence most easily, as though they were two houses in relation to His power and will. If He wishes He can do this in a day or in an instant. Anyway there is no absolute non-existence, for His knowledge is all-embracing; there is nothing outside the sphere of divine knowledge so that something can be cast there. T..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For since the Most Pure and Holy Divine Essence is eternal and everlasting, His attributes and names are also surely eternal and everlasting. And since His attributes and names are everlasting and eternal, the immortal beings in the realm of eternity, which are the mirrors, manifestations, impresses, and places of reflection of His attributes and names, of necessity will not vanish into absolute non-existence." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The First:''' Almighty God is the possessor of such absolute power that He can bring existence into being and despatch it to non-existence most easily, as though they were two houses in relation to His power and will. If He wishes He can do this in a day or in an instant. Anyway there is no absolute non-existence, for His knowledge is all-embracing; there is nothing outside the sphere of divine knowledge so that something can be cast there. T..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
160. satır: 160. satır:
A couple of points have occurred to me from the effulgence of the Qur’an, and I shall write them here in summary:
A couple of points have occurred to me from the effulgence of the Qur’an, and I shall write them here in summary:

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'''The First:''' Almighty God is the possessor of such absolute power that He can bring existence into being and despatch it to non-existence most easily, as though they were two houses in relation to His power and will. If He wishes He can do this in a day or in an instant. Anyway there is no absolute non-existence, for His knowledge is all-embracing;  there is nothing  outside  the  sphere  of  divine  knowledge  so  that something can be cast there. The non-existence within the sphere of His knowledge is external non-existence  and a title for something concealed but  existent  in divine knowledge. Some scholars have called the beings existent in divine knowledge “latent realities.
'''Birincisi:''' Cenab-ı Hak öyle bir Kadîr-i Mutlak’tır ki adem ve vücud, kudretine ve iradesine nisbeten iki menzil gibi gayet kolay bir surette oraya gönderir ve getirir. İsterse bir günde, isterse bir anda oradan çevirir. Hem adem-i mutlak zaten yoktur, çünkü bir ilm-i muhit var. Hem daire-i ilm-i İlahînin harici yok ki bir şey ona atılsın. Daire-i ilim içinde bulunan adem ise adem-i haricîdir ve vücud-u ilmîye perde olmuş bir unvandır. Hattâ bu mevcudat-ı ilmiyeye bazı ehl-i tahkik “a’yân-ı sabite” tabir etmişler.

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