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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Second:''' This blessed month of Ramadan I was given food by only two houses, and both of them made me ill. I understood that I am prohibited from eating other people’s food. The rest of the time, in the whole of Ramadan, three loaves of bread and one okka(*<ref>*About 2.8 lbs. or 1,300 grammes.</ref>)of rice were enough for me, as was witnessed and told by Abdullah Çavuş, the owner of a blessed house and a loyal friend who saw my econ..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("since my childhood, throughout my life, it has been one of my guiding principles not to accept anything from people, even zakat, and not to accept a salary – only I was compelled to accept one for one or two years in the Darü’l-Hikmeti’l- Islamiye on the insistence of my friends – and not to become obliged to people for a worldly livelihood. The people of my native region and those who have known me in other places know this. During these fiv..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Second:''' This blessed month of Ramadan I was given food by only two houses, and both of them made me ill. I understood that I am prohibited from eating other people’s food. The rest of the time, in the whole of Ramadan, three loaves of bread and one okka(*<ref>*About 2.8 lbs. or 1,300 grammes.</ref>)of rice were enough for me, as was witnessed and told by Abdullah Çavuş, the owner of a blessed house and a loyal friend who saw my econ..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
105. satır: 105. satır:
'''The First:''' This six months one bushel (kile)(*<ref>*36.5 lbs. (Tr.)</ref>)of wheat, consisting of thirty-six loaves of bread, has sufficed me. There is still some left, it is not finished. How much longer(*<ref>*It lasted a year.</ref>)it will last, I do not know.
'''The First:''' This six months one bushel (kile)(*<ref>*36.5 lbs. (Tr.)</ref>)of wheat, consisting of thirty-six loaves of bread, has sufficed me. There is still some left, it is not finished. How much longer(*<ref>*It lasted a year.</ref>)it will last, I do not know.

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'''The Second:''' This blessed  month of Ramadan I was given food by only two houses, and both of them made me ill. I understood that I am prohibited from eating other people’s food. The rest of the time, in the whole of Ramadan, three loaves of bread  and one okka(*<ref>*About 2.8 lbs. or 1,300 grammes.</ref>)of rice were enough  for me, as was  witnessed and told by
'''İkincisi:''' Şu mübarek ramazanda, yalnız iki haneden bana yemek geldi, ikisi de beni hasta etti. Anladım ki başkasının yemeğini yemekten memnûum. Mütebâkisi, bütün ramazanda benim idareme bakan mübarek bir hanenin ve sadık bir arkadaşım olan o hane sahibi Abdullah Çavuş’un ihbarı ve şehadetiyle; üç ekmek, bir kıyye (kilo demek) pirinç bana kâfi gelmiştir. Hattâ o pirinç, on beş gün ramazandan sonra bitmiştir.
Abdullah Çavuş, the owner of a blessed house and a  loyal friend  who  saw  my economizing. In fact, the rice was finished two weeks after the end of Ramadan.

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