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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The Fourth: I bought this sack coat I’m wearing seven years ago second-hand. In five years I have spent only four and a half liras on clothes, underwear, slippers, and stockings. Frugality and divine mercy and the resulting plenty have sufficed me." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Second:''' This blessed month of Ramadan I was given food by only two houses, and both of them made me ill. I understood that I am prohibited from eating other people’s food. The rest of the time, in the whole of Ramadan, three loaves of bread and one okka(*<ref>*About 2.8 lbs. or 1,300 grammes.</ref>)of rice were enough for me, as was witnessed and told by Abdullah Çavuş, the owner of a blessed house and a loyal friend who saw my econ..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The Fourth: I bought this sack coat I’m wearing seven years ago second-hand. In five years I have spent only four and a half liras on clothes, underwear, slippers, and stockings. Frugality and divine mercy and the resulting plenty have sufficed me." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
108. satır: 108. satır:
Abdullah Çavuş, the owner of a blessed house and a  loyal friend  who  saw  my economizing. In fact, the rice was finished two weeks after the end of Ramadan.
Abdullah Çavuş, the owner of a blessed house and a  loyal friend  who  saw  my economizing. In fact, the rice was finished two weeks after the end of Ramadan.

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'''The Third:''' For three months on the mountain one kıyye(*<ref>*About 2.8 lbs.</ref>)of butter was enough for me and my guests, eating it every day together with bread. On one occasion even I had a blessed visitor called Süleyman. Both his bread and my bread were about to be finished. It was Wednesday. I told him to go and get some more. For two hours’ distance on every side of us there was no one from whom he could have got any. He said that he wanted to stay with me on the mountain on Thursday night so that we could pray together. I declared: “Our reliance is on God,” and told him to stay.
'''Üçüncüsü:''' Dağda, üç ay bana ve misafirlerime bir kıyye tereyağı, her gün ekmekle beraber yemek şartıyla kâfi geldi. Hattâ Süleyman isminde mübarek bir misafirim vardı. Benim ekmeğim de ve onun ekmeği de bitiyordu. Çarşamba günü idi; dedim ona: Git ekmek getir. İki saat, her tarafımızda kimse yok ki oradan ekmek alınsın. “Cuma gecesi senin yanında bu dağda beraber dua etmek arzu ediyorum.” dedi. Ben de dedim: “Tevekkelnâ alallah, kal.

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Later, although it had no connection with this and there was no reason for it, we both began walking till we reached the top of the mountain. There was a little water in the ewer, and we had a small piece of sugar and some tea. I told  him: “Brother! Make some tea!He set about making it and I sat down under a cedar-tree overlooking a deep ravine. I thought regretfully to myself: we have a bit of mouldy bread which will only just be enough for us this evening. What shall we do for two days and what shall I say to this ingenuous man? While thinking this, I suddenly turned my head involuntarily and I saw a huge loaf of bread on the cedar-tree in among the branches; it was facing us. I exclaimed: “Süleyman! Good news! Almighty God has sent us food.” We took the bread, and looking at it saw that no bird or wild animal had touched it. And for twenty or thirty days no one at all had climbed to the top of that mountain. The bread was sufficient for us for the two days. While we were eating and it was about to be finished, righteous Süleyman who had been the  most loyal of loyal friends for four years, suddenly appeared from below with more bread.
Sonra hiç münasebeti olmadığı halde ve bir bahane yokken ikimiz yürüye yürüye bir dağın tepesine çıktık. İbrikte bir parça su vardı. Bir parça şeker ile çayımız vardı. Dedim: “Kardeşim, bir parça çay yap.O ona başladı, ben de derin bir dereye bakar bir katran ağacı altında oturdum. Müteessifane şöyle düşündüm ki: Küflenmiş bir parça ekmeğimiz var; bu akşam ancak ikimize yeter. İki gün nasıl yapacağız ve bu safi-kalp adama ne diyeceğim, diye düşünmede iken birdenbire başım çevrilir gibi başımı çevirdim, gördüm ki: Koca bir ekmek, katran ağacının üstünde, dalları içinde bize bakıyor. Dedim: “Süleyman müjde! Cenab-ı Hak bize rızık verdi.” O ekmeği aldık, bakıyoruz ki kuşlar ve hayvanat-ı vahşiye hiçbiri ilişmemiş. Yirmi otuz gündür hiçbir insan o tepeye çıkmamıştı. O ekmek, ikimize iki gün kâfi geldi. Biz yerken, bitmek üzere iken, dört sene sadık bir sıddıkım olan müstakim Süleyman, ekmekle aşağıdan çıkageldi.

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'''The Fourth:''' I bought this sack coat I’m wearing seven years ago second-hand. In five years I have spent only four and a half liras on clothes, underwear, slippers, and stockings. Frugality and divine mercy and the resulting plenty have sufficed me.
'''Dördüncüsü:''' Şu üstümdeki sakoyu, yedi sene evvel, eski olarak almıştım. Beş senedir elbise, çamaşır, pabuç, çorap için dört buçuk lira ile idare ettim. Bereket-i iktisat ve rahmet-i İlahiye bana kâfi geldi.

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