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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Secondly:'''I addressed the truths of belief I have written directly at my own soul. I do not invite everyone. Rather, those whose spirits are needy and hearts wounded search out and find those Qur’anic remedies. Only, to secure my livelihood I had printed a treatise of mine about the resurrection of the dead before the new script was introduced. And the former governor, who was unfair to me, studied the treatise, but did nothing against it since he..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The worldly say: “We have an official department for instructing in the precepts of religion and truths of Islam. On what authority do you publish religious works? Since you are a convicted exile, you have no right to meddle in these matters.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Secondly:'''I addressed the truths of belief I have written directly at my own soul. I do not invite everyone. Rather, those whose spirits are needy and hearts wounded search out and find those Qur’anic remedies. Only, to secure my livelihood I had printed a treatise of mine about the resurrection of the dead before the new script was introduced. And the former governor, who was unfair to me, studied the treatise, but did nothing against it since he..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
167. satır: 167. satır:
instructing in the precepts of religion and truths of Islam. On what authority do you publish religious works? Since you are a convicted exile, you have no right to meddle in these matters.”
instructing in the precepts of religion and truths of Islam. On what authority do you publish religious works? Since you are a convicted exile, you have no right to meddle in these matters.”

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'''The Answer:'''Truth and reality cannot be restricted. How can belief and the Qur’an be restricted? You can restrict the principles and laws of your world, but the truths of belief and Qur’anic principles cannot be forced into the form of worldly dealings or be given an official guise in return for a wage. Those mysteries, which are divine gifts, those blessings, come rather through a sincere intention and giving up the world and carnal pleasures. Moreover, that official department of yours accepted me and appointed me as a preacher while I was in my home region. I accepted the position, but rejected the salary. I have the document in my possession. With it I can act as an imam and preacher everywhere, because my being exiled was unjust. Also, since the exiles have been returned, my old documents are still valid.
'''Elcevap:''' Hak ve hakikat inhisar altına alınmaz! İman ve Kur’an nasıl inhisar altına alınabilir? Siz dünyanızın usûlünü, kanununu inhisar altına alabilirsiniz. Fakat hakaik-i imaniye ve esasat-ı Kur’aniye, resmî bir şekilde ve ücret mukabilinde dünya muamelatı suretine sokulmaz. '''Belki bir mevhibe-i İlahiye olan o esrar, hâlis bir niyet ile ve dünyadan ve huzuzat-ı nefsaniyeden tecerrüd etmek vesilesiyle o feyizler gelebilir.''' Hem de sizin o resmî daireniz dahi memlekette iken beni vaiz kabul etti, tayin etti. Ben o vaizliği kabul ettim fakat maaşını terk ettim. Elimde vesikam var. Vaizlik, imamlık vesikasıyla her yerde amel edebilirim çünkü benim nefyim haksız olmuştur. Hem menfîler madem iade edildi, eski vesikalarımın hükmü bâkidir.

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'''Secondly:'''I addressed the truths of belief I have written directly at my own soul. I do not invite everyone. Rather, those whose spirits are needy and hearts wounded search out and find those Qur’anic remedies. Only, to secure my livelihood I had printed a treatise of mine about the resurrection of the dead before the new script was introduced. And the former governor, who was unfair to me, studied the treatise, but did nothing against it since he could find nothing in it to criticize.
Sâniyen, yazdığım hakaik-i imaniyeyi doğrudan doğruya nefsime hitap etmişim. Herkesi davet etmiyorum. Belki ruhları muhtaç ve kalpleri yaralı olanlar, o edviye-i Kur’aniyeyi arayıp buluyorlar. Yalnız medar-ı maişetim için yeni huruf çıkmadan evvel, haşre dair bir risalemi tabettirdim. Bunu da bana karşı insafsız eski vali, o risaleyi tetkik edip tenkit edecek bir cihet bulamadığı için ilişemedi.

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