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On Yedinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Both father and mother love their child more than all the world. If they are fortunate and are true believers, when he is taken from them it turns their faces from this world and they find the True Bestower of Bounties. They say: “The world is transitory and not worth binding one’s heart to.” They become attached to where the child has gone, and this gains high spiritual rank for them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Compassion, one of the most subtle, beautiful, agreeable, and sweet manifestations of divine mercy, is a luminous elixir. It is much more direct than passionate love; it is a swift means of union with Almighty God. Temporary love and worldly love are transformed into true love and find Almighty God only with the greatest difficulty, but compassion binds the heart to Him in purer, more direct fashion – and without difficulty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Both father and mother love their child more than all the world. If they are fortunate and are true believers, when he is taken from them it turns their faces from this world and they find the True Bestower of Bounties. They say: “The world is transitory and not worth binding one’s heart to.” They become attached to where the child has gone, and this gains high spiritual rank for them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
46. satır: 46. satır:
Compassion, one of the most subtle, beautiful, agreeable, and sweet manifestations of divine mercy, is a luminous elixir. It is much more direct than passionate love; it is a swift means of union with Almighty God. Temporary love and worldly love are  transformed into true love and find Almighty God only with the greatest  difficulty,  but  compassion binds  the  heart  to  Him  in  purer,  more  direct fashion – and without difficulty.
Compassion, one of the most subtle, beautiful, agreeable, and sweet manifestations of divine mercy, is a luminous elixir. It is much more direct than passionate love; it is a swift means of union with Almighty God. Temporary love and worldly love are  transformed into true love and find Almighty God only with the greatest  difficulty,  but  compassion binds  the  heart  to  Him  in  purer,  more  direct fashion – and without difficulty.

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Both father and mother love their child more than all the world. If they are fortunate and are true believers, when he is taken from them it turns their faces from this world and they find the True Bestower of Bounties. They say: “The world is transitory and not worth binding  one’s heart to.” They become attached to where the child has gone, and this gains high spiritual rank for them.
Gerek peder ve gerek valide, veledini bütün dünya gibi severler. Veledi elinden alındığı vakit, eğer bahtiyar ise hakiki ehl-i iman ise dünyadan yüzünü çevirir, Mün’im-i Hakiki’yi bulur. Der ki: “Dünya madem fânidir, değmiyor alâka-i kalbe.” Veledi nereye gitmişse oraya karşı bir alâka peyda eder, büyük manevî bir hal kazanır.

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