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On Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, having failed to weigh them on the balances of the Book and Sunna, the descriptions of the seven levels of the globe made by certain people of unveiling do not refer only to its physical state from the point of view of geography. For instance, they said that one of the earth’s levels is that inhabited by the jinns and demons, and that it has a breadth of thousands of years. But those strange levels are not found on our globe, which makes its circ..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("This means the physical and spiritual worlds have to be distinguished from one another. If they are combined, assertions about them appear wrong.For example, you have a small room the four walls of which have been covered with four large mirrors. When you enter it, you see the small room to be as broad as a large arena. If you say, “My room appears to be as large as a broad arena,” what you say is correct. But if you assert, “My room is as large as..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, having failed to weigh them on the balances of the Book and Sunna, the descriptions of the seven levels of the globe made by certain people of unveiling do not refer only to its physical state from the point of view of geography. For instance, they said that one of the earth’s levels is that inhabited by the jinns and demons, and that it has a breadth of thousands of years. But those strange levels are not found on our globe, which makes its circ..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
24. satır: 24. satır:
This means the physical and spiritual worlds have to be distinguished from one another. If they are combined, assertions about them appear wrong.For example, you have a small room the four walls of which have been covered with four large mirrors. When you enter it, you see the small room to be as broad as a large arena. If you say, “My room appears to be as large as a broad arena,” what you say is correct. But if you assert, “My room is as large as a broad  arena,” you would be wrong, for you are confusing the World of Similitudes with the actual world.
This means the physical and spiritual worlds have to be distinguished from one another. If they are combined, assertions about them appear wrong.For example, you have a small room the four walls of which have been covered with four large mirrors. When you enter it, you see the small room to be as broad as a large arena. If you say, “My room appears to be as large as a broad arena,” what you say is correct. But if you assert, “My room is as large as a broad  arena,” you would be wrong, for you are confusing the World of Similitudes with the actual world.

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Thus, having failed to weigh them on the balances of the Book and Sunna, the descriptions of the seven levels of the globe made by certain people of unveiling do not refer only to its physical state from the point of view of geography. For instance, they said that one of the earth’s levels is that inhabited by the jinns and demons, and that it has a breadth of thousands of years. But those strange levels are not found on our globe, which makes its circuit every one or two years. However, if we suppose the globe to be like a pine-seed in the World  of Meaning, the World of Similitudes, the Intermediate Realm, and the World of Spirits, the similitude of the tree formed from it would be like a huge pine-tree in relation to the seed.  Thus, in the course of their spiritual journeyings, some of the people of direct vision have observed that some of the earth’s levels in the World of Similitudes are extremely extensive and that they stretch over a distance of thousands of years.
İşte küre-i arzın tabakat-ı seb’asına dair bazı ehl-i keşfin, Kitap ve Sünnetin mizanıyla tartmadan beyan ettiği tasvirat, yalnız coğrafya nokta-i nazarındaki maddî vaziyetten ibaret değildir. Mesela demişler: “Bir tabaka-i arz, cin ve ifritlerindir. Binler sene genişliği var.” Halbuki bir iki senede devredilen küremizde, o acib tabakalar yerleşemez. Fakat âlem-i mana ve âlem-i misalde ve âlem-i berzah ve ervahta, küremizi bir çamın çekirdeği hükmünde farz etsek, ondan temessül ve teşekkül eden misalî şeceresi, o çekirdeğe nisbeten koca bir çam ağacı kadar olduğundan bir kısım ehl-i şuhud, seyr-i ruhanîlerinde, arzın tabakalarından bazılarını âlem-i misalde pek çok geniş görüyorlar; binler sene bir mesafe tuttuklarını görüyorlar.

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