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Yirmi Dördüncü Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The adventures of the Ascension cannot express those sacred, transcendent truths through allusions that we understand. Its exchanges are like observation posts, means to reflective thought, indications of profound and elevated truths, reminders for some of the truths of faith, and allusions to inexpressible meanings. They are not adventures in the sense that we know. We cannot reach those truths through our imaginations; we rather feel a pleasurable exci..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Necessarily Existent One possesses infinite beauty and perfection, for all the varieties of them dispersed through the universe are the signs and indications of His beauty and perfection." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The adventures of the Ascension cannot express those sacred, transcendent truths through allusions that we understand. Its exchanges are like observation posts, means to reflective thought, indications of profound and elevated truths, reminders for some of the truths of faith, and allusions to inexpressible meanings. They are not adventures in the sense that we know. We cannot reach those truths through our imaginations; we rather feel a pleasurable exci..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
434. satır: 434. satır:
Almighty God is utterly near to us, but we are utterly distant from Him. The sun is near to us through the mirror we are holding, and all transparent objects on the earth are a sort of throne for it and a sort of dwelling. If the sun had consciousness, it would converse with us by means  of our mirror, despite our being four thousand  years distant from it. Without drawing any comparisons, we can say that the Pre-Eternal Sun is closer to everything than anything else, for He is the Necessarily Existent, he is free of space; nothing at all can be a veil to Him. But everything is infinitely distant from Him.
Almighty God is utterly near to us, but we are utterly distant from Him. The sun is near to us through the mirror we are holding, and all transparent objects on the earth are a sort of throne for it and a sort of dwelling. If the sun had consciousness, it would converse with us by means  of our mirror, despite our being four thousand  years distant from it. Without drawing any comparisons, we can say that the Pre-Eternal Sun is closer to everything than anything else, for He is the Necessarily Existent, he is free of space; nothing at all can be a veil to Him. But everything is infinitely distant from Him.

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This is the mystery underlying the long distance of the Ascension on the one hand, and the absence of distance expressed by, “And We are closer to him than his jugular vein,”(50:16) on the other. God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) made the Ascension and traversed a vast distance, yet he  returned  in  a  single  instant.  The  Ascension  was  his  spiritual  journeying, an expression of his sainthood. For through their spiritual journeying from forty days to forty years, the saints advance to the degree of “absolute certainty” among the degrees of faith.
İşte mi’racın uzun mesafesiyle, وَ نَح۟نُ اَق۟رَبُ اِلَي۟هِ مِن۟ حَب۟لِ ال۟وَرٖيدِ in ifade ettiği mesafesizliğin sırrıyla hem Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın gitmesinde, çok mesafeyi tayyederek gitmesi ve ân-ı vâhidde yerine gelmesi sırrı, bundan ileri geliyor. Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın mi’racı, onun seyr ü sülûkudur, onun unvan-ı velayetidir. Ehl-i velayet, nasıl ki seyr ü sülûk-u ruhanî ile kırk günden tâ kırk seneye kadar bir terakki ile derecat-ı imaniyenin hakkalyakîn derecesine çıkıyor.

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