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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"“This impossibility necessitates the further, most ugly and abhorrent, impossibility that the person who, according to the testimony of the religion and Shari‘a of Islam that he proclaimed, and the extraordinary fear of God and pure, sincere worship that he demonstrated throughout his life, and as necessitated by the good moral qualities unanimously witnessed in him, and according to the affirmation of the people of truth and perfection whom he..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is supposed to be the word of man, it necessitates imagining to be its opposite a book that has self-evidently guided the purified, veracious saints and spiritual poles, who shine like stars in the heavens of the world of mankind, has continuously instructed all levels of perfected men in truth and justice, veracity and fidelity, faith and trustworthiness, and has ensured the happiness of this world and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("“This impossibility necessitates the further, most ugly and abhorrent, impossibility that the person who, according to the testimony of the religion and Shari‘a of Islam that he proclaimed, and the extraordinary fear of God and pure, sincere worship that he demonstrated throughout his life, and as necessitated by the good moral qualities unanimously witnessed in him, and according to the affirmation of the people of truth and perfection whom he..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
111. satır: 111. satır:
'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is supposed to be the word of man, it necessitates imagining  to  be  its  opposite  a  book  that  has  self-evidently  guided  the  purified, veracious saints and spiritual poles, who shine like stars in the heavens of the world of mankind, has continuously instructed all levels of perfected men in truth and justice, veracity and fidelity, faith and trustworthiness, and has ensured the happiness of this world and the next through the truths of the pillars of faith and the principles of the pillars of Islam; a book that through the testimony of its achievements is of necessit y veracious,  and  pure,  genuine  truth, and  absolutely  right,  and  most  serious  –  it necessitates imagining, God forbid, that it comprises the opposites of these qualities, effects, and lights, and not only is a collection of  fabrications and lies, but also a frenzy of unbelief that would shame even the Sophists and the devils, and cause them to tremble.
'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is supposed to be the word of man, it necessitates imagining  to  be  its  opposite  a  book  that  has  self-evidently  guided  the  purified, veracious saints and spiritual poles, who shine like stars in the heavens of the world of mankind, has continuously instructed all levels of perfected men in truth and justice, veracity and fidelity, faith and trustworthiness, and has ensured the happiness of this world and the next through the truths of the pillars of faith and the principles of the pillars of Islam; a book that through the testimony of its achievements is of necessit y veracious,  and  pure,  genuine  truth, and  absolutely  right,  and  most  serious  –  it necessitates imagining, God forbid, that it comprises the opposites of these qualities, effects, and lights, and not only is a collection of  fabrications and lies, but also a frenzy of unbelief that would shame even the Sophists and the devils, and cause them to tremble.

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“This impossibility necessitates the further, most  ugly  and abhorrent, impossibility that the person who, according to  the testimony of the religion and Shari‘a of  Islam that  he proclaimed, and the extraordinary fear of God and pure, sincere worship that he demonstrated throughout his life, and as necessitated by the good moral qualities unanimously witnessed in him, and according to the affirmation of the people of truth and  perfection whom he raised, was the most believing, the most steadfast, the most trustworthy,  and the most truthful, was – God forbid, and again, God forbid – without faith, that he was most untrustworthy, did not fear God, nor shrink from lying. To imagine this necessitates  imagining the most loathsome form  of  impossibility  and  perpetrating  the  most  iniquitous  and  vicious  sort  of misguidance.
İzhar ettiği din ve şeriat-ı İslâmiyenin şehadetiyle ve müddet-i hayatında gösterdiği bi’l-ittifak fevkalâde takvasının ve hâlis ve safi ubudiyetinin delâletiyle ve bi’l-ittifak kendinde göründüğü ahlâk-ı hasenesinin iktizasıyla ve yetiştirdiği bütün ehl-i hakikatin ve sahib-i kemalâtın tasdikiyle en mutekid en metin en emin en sadık bir zatı –hâşâ sümme hâşâ yüz bin kere hâşâ– itikadsız, en emniyetsiz, Allah’tan korkmaz, yalandan çekinmez bir vaziyette farz edip muhalatın en çirkin ve menfur bir suretini ve dalaletin en zulümlü ve zulümatlı bir tarzını irtikâb etmek lâzım gelir.

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