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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Second Personality:'''Through Almighty God’s grace, a personality is given me at the time of worship when I am turned towards the divine court; it displays certain marks. These arise from knowing one’s faults, realizing one’s want and impotence, and seeking refuge in utter humility at the divine court, which are the basis and meaning of worship. Through this personality, I know myself to be more wretched, powerless, wanting, and faulty t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
178. satır: 178. satır:
'''The Second Personality:'''Through Almighty God’s grace, a personality is given me at the time of worship when I am turned towards the divine court; it  displays  certain marks. These arise from knowing one’s faults, realizing one’s want and  impotence, and seeking refuge in utter humility at the divine court, which are the basis and meaning of worship. Through this personality, I know myself to be more wretched, powerless,  wanting, and faulty than everyone. If the whole world were to praise and applaud me, it could not make me believe that I am good or possess perfection of any sort.
'''The Second Personality:'''Through Almighty God’s grace, a personality is given me at the time of worship when I am turned towards the divine court; it  displays  certain marks. These arise from knowing one’s faults, realizing one’s want and  impotence, and seeking refuge in utter humility at the divine court, which are the basis and meaning of worship. Through this personality, I know myself to be more wretched, powerless,  wanting, and faulty than everyone. If the whole world were to praise and applaud me, it could not make me believe that I am good or possess perfection of any sort.

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'''The Third:'''I have my true personality, that is, the faulty personality of the Old Said, that is, certain veins of character inherited from the Old Said. Sometimes it inclines to hypocrisy and desires rank and position. Also, because I do not come from a noble family, inferior qualities are to be observed, like my being frugal to the point of miserliness.
'''Üçüncüsü:''' Hakiki şahsiyetim, yani Eski Said’in bozması bir şahsiyetim var ki o da Eski Said’den irsiyet kalma bazı damarlardır. Bazen riyaya, hubb-u câha bir arzu bulunuyor. Hem asil bir hanedandan olmadığımdan, hısset derecesinde bir iktisat ile düşkün ve pest ahlâklar görünüyor.

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My brothers! I am not going to describe the many secret faults and ills of this personality, lest I chase you away altogether.
Ey kardeşler! Sizi bütün bütün kaçırmamak için bu şahsiyetimin gizli çok fenalıklarını ve sû-i hallerini söylemeyeceğim.

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My  brothers, since  I  am  not  someone  capable  and  of  high  position, this personality of mine is very far from the character demanded by the duties of herald and of worship; it does not show their traits. Also, in accordance with the rule, “No ability  is  needed  to  receive  God’s  gifts,”  Almighty  God  has  compassionately demonstrated His power in me so that He employs my personality, which is like that of  the  lowest  common  soldier,  in  serving  the  mysteries  of  the  Qur’an,  which resembles the highest position of field marshal. Thanks be to God a hundred thousand times! The soul is baser than everything, and the duty higher!
İşte kardeşlerim, ben müstaid ve makam sahibi olmadığım için şu şahsiyetim, dellâllık ve ubudiyet vazifelerindeki ahlâktan ve âsârdan çok uzaktır. Hem دَادِ حَق۟ رَا قَابِلِيَّت۟ شَر۟ط۟ نٖيس۟ت۟ kaidesince Cenab-ı Hak, merhametkârane kudretini benim hakkımda böyle göstermiş ki en edna bir nefer gibi bu şahsiyetimi, en a’lâ bir makam-ı müşiriyet hükmünde olan hizmet-i esrar-ı Kur’aniyede istihdam ediyor. Yüz binler şükür olsun. '''Nefis cümleden süflî, vazife cümleden a’lâ.'''

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All praise be to God, this is a bounty from my Lord!
اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ هٰذَا مِن۟ فَض۟لِ رَبّٖى

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== Üçüncü Mebhas ==
==Third Topic==

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In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّح۪يمِ

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