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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Firstly:'''The face of the world and especially this country of ours has since ancient times seen numerous migrations and changes of population. In addition, when the centre of Islamic rule was established here other peoples were drawn to it and they settled here. Consequently, only when the Preserved Tablet is revealed will the races truly be distinguished from each other. To construct movements and patriotism on the idea of true race is both meaning..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O my Turkish brother! You watch out in particular! Your nationhood has fused with Islam and may not be separated from it. If you do separate them, you will be finished! All your glorious deeds of the past are recorded in the book of Islam’s deeds, and cannot be effaced from the face of the earth by any power. So don’t you efface them from your heart at the evil suggestions and devices of Satan!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Firstly:'''The face of the world and especially this country of ours has since ancient times seen numerous migrations and changes of population. In addition, when the centre of Islamic rule was established here other peoples were drawn to it and they settled here. Consequently, only when the Preserved Tablet is revealed will the races truly be distinguished from each other. To construct movements and patriotism on the idea of true race is both meaning..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
289. satır: 289. satır:
They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of God.(9:31)It is because of this that, together with maintaining their pride and egotism,those Christians who occupy the highest worldly ranks are religious and bigoted, like the  former  American president, Wilson.
They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of God.(9:31)It is because of this that, together with maintaining their pride and egotism,those Christians who occupy the highest worldly ranks are religious and bigoted, like the  former  American president, Wilson.

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In Islam, the religion of pure divine unity, those holding the highest worldly positions either give up their egotism and pride, or they give up their religion to an extent. For this reason, some are neglectful or even irreligious.
Mahz-ı tevhid dini olan İslâmiyet içinde, dünyaca yüksek mertebede olanlar, ya enaniyeti ve gururu bırakacak veya dindarlığı bir derece bırakacak. Onun için bir kısmı lâkayt kalıyorlar, belki dinsiz oluyorlar.

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=== Altıncı Mesele ===
===Sixth Matter===

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To  those  people  who  go  to  excess  in  the  idea  of  negative  nationalism  and racialism we say this:
Menfî milliyette ve unsuriyet fikrinde ifrat edenlere deriz ki:

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'''Firstly:'''The face of the world and especially this country of ours has since ancient times seen numerous migrations and changes of population. In addition, when the centre of Islamic rule was established here other peoples were drawn to it and they settled here. Consequently, only when the Preserved Tablet is revealed will the races truly be distinguished from each other. To construct movements and patriotism on the idea of true race is both meaningless and extremely harmful. It is for this reason that one of the nationalist leaders and racialists, who was very neglectful in religion, was compelled to say: “If language and  religion  are the same, the nation is the same.
'''Evvela:''' Şu dünya yüzü, hususan şu memleketimiz, eski zamandan beri çok muhaceretlere ve tebeddülata maruz olmakla beraber; merkez-i hükûmet-i İslâmiye bu vatanda teşkil olduktan sonra, akvam-ı saireden pervane gibi çokları içine atılıp tavattun etmişler. İşte bu halde Levh-i Mahfuz açılsa ancak hakiki unsurlar birbirinden tefrik edilebilir.

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Since that is so, relations of language, religion, and country should be considered, not true race. If the three are the same, the nation will certainly be strong. And if one is absent, there will still be nationhood.
Öyle ise hakiki unsuriyet fikrine, hareketi ve hamiyeti bina etmek, manasız ve hem pek zararlıdır. Onun içindir ki: Menfî milliyetçilerin ve unsuriyet-perverlerin reislerinden ve dine karşı pek lâkayt birisi, mecbur olmuş, demiş: “Dil, din bir ise millet birdir.” Madem öyledir. Hakiki unsuriyete değil; belki dil, din, vatan münasebatına bakılacak. Eğer üçü bir ise zaten kuvvetli bir millet, eğer biri noksan olursa tekrar milliyet dairesine dâhildir.

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