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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Secondly:'''I shall describe by way of example, two of the hundreds of advantages the sacred nationhood of Islam has gained for the social life of the sons of this land:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Firstly:'''The face of the world and especially this country of ours has since ancient times seen numerous migrations and changes of population. In addition, when the centre of Islamic rule was established here other peoples were drawn to it and they settled here. Consequently, only when the Preserved Tablet is revealed will the races truly be distinguished from each other. To construct movements and patriotism on the idea of true race is both meaning..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Secondly:'''I shall describe by way of example, two of the hundreds of advantages the sacred nationhood of Islam has gained for the social life of the sons of this land:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
300. satır: 300. satır:
Since that is so, relations of language, religion, and country should be considered, not true race. If the three are the same, the nation will certainly be strong. And if one is absent, there will still be nationhood.
Since that is so, relations of language, religion, and country should be considered, not true race. If the three are the same, the nation will certainly be strong. And if one is absent, there will still be nationhood.

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'''Secondly:'''I shall describe by way of example, two of the hundreds of advantages the sacred nationhood of Islam has gained for the social life of the sons of this land:
'''Sâniyen:''' İslâmiyet’in mukaddes milliyeti, bu vatan evladının hayat-ı içtimaiyesine kazandırdığı yüzer faydadan iki faydayı misal olarak beyan edeceğiz:

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==== Birincisi: ====
====The First:====

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What enabled this Islamic  state, while numbering only twenty or thirty million, to preserve its life and existence in the face of all the large states of Europe was the following idea held by its army, which was born of the light of the Qur’an: “If I die, I shall be a martyr; and if I kill, I shall be a ghazi.” They met death eagerly and with longing,  laughing in its face. They always made Europe tremble. What in the world is there that will give rise to such elevated self-sacrifice in the spirit of a simple-hearted soldier? What patriotism can be instilled in its place? What can make him willingly sacrifice his life and all his world?
Şu devlet-i İslâmiye yirmi otuz milyon iken, bütün Avrupa’nın büyük devletlerine karşı hayatını ve mevcudiyetini muhafaza ettiren, şu devletin ordusundaki nur-u Kur’an’dan gelen şu fikirdir: “Ben ölsem şehidim, öldürsem gaziyim.” Kemal-i şevk ile ve aşk ile ölümün yüzüne gülerek istikbal etmiş. Daima Avrupa’yı titretmiş. Acaba dünyada basit fikirli, safi kalpli olan neferatın ruhunda şöyle ulvi fedakârlığa sebebiyet verecek, hangi şey gösterilebilir? Hangi hamiyet onun yerine ikame edilebilir? Ve hayatını ve bütün dünyasını severek ona feda ettirebilir?

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==== İkincisi: ====
====The Second:====

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