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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Answer:'''All the Words and Letters of the Risale-i Nur point out that highway. For now, as you wish, we shall indicate concisely an extensive, lengthy and mighty proof of it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("But you point out that in the Qur’an is a might y highway besides these three ways. And you say that its mark is the phrases: “There is nothing sought but Him,” and, “There is nothing worshipped but Him.” Can you show me a brief proof of the affirmation of divine unity that this highway provides and point out a short way leading to it?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Answer:'''All the Words and Letters of the Risale-i Nur point out that highway. For now, as you wish, we shall indicate concisely an extensive, lengthy and mighty proof of it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
421. satır: 421. satır:
But you point out that in the Qur’an is a might y highway besides these three ways. And you say that its mark is the phrases: “There is nothing sought but Him,” and, “There is nothing worshipped but Him.” Can you show me a brief proof of the affirmation of divine unity that this highway  provides and point out a short way leading to it?
But you point out that in the Qur’an is a might y highway besides these three ways. And you say that its mark is the phrases: “There is nothing sought but Him,” and, “There is nothing worshipped but Him.” Can you show me a brief proof of the affirmation of divine unity that this highway  provides and point out a short way leading to it?

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'''The Answer:'''All the Words and Letters of the Risale-i Nur point out that highway. For now, as you wish, we shall indicate concisely an extensive, lengthy and mighty proof of it.
'''Elcevap:''' Bütün Sözler ve bütün Mektuplar, o caddeyi gösterir. Şimdilik istediğiniz gibi azîm bir hüccetine ve geniş ve uzun bir bürhanına muhtasaran işaret ederiz. Şöyle ki:

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