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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Every thing in the world ascribes every other thing to its own Creator. And every artistically fashioned object in this world demonstrates that all such objects are the works of its own fashioner. And every creative act in the universe proves that all creative acts are the acts of its author. And every name that is manifested in beings indicates that all names are the names and titles of the one whom it signifies. That is to say, every thing is a direct..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:'''All the Words and Letters of the Risale-i Nur point out that highway. For now, as you wish, we shall indicate concisely an extensive, lengthy and mighty proof of it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Every thing in the world ascribes every other thing to its own Creator. And every artistically fashioned object in this world demonstrates that all such objects are the works of its own fashioner. And every creative act in the universe proves that all creative acts are the acts of its author. And every name that is manifested in beings indicates that all names are the names and titles of the one whom it signifies. That is to say, every thing is a direct..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
423. satır: 423. satır:
'''The Answer:'''All the Words and Letters of the Risale-i Nur point out that highway. For now, as you wish, we shall indicate concisely an extensive, lengthy and mighty proof of it.
'''The Answer:'''All the Words and Letters of the Risale-i Nur point out that highway. For now, as you wish, we shall indicate concisely an extensive, lengthy and mighty proof of it.

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Every thing in the world ascribes every other thing to its own Creator. And every artistically fashioned object in this world demonstrates that all such objects are the works of  its own fashioner. And every creative act in the universe proves that all creative acts are the acts of its author. And every name that is manifested in beings indicates that all names are the names and titles of the one whom it signifies. That is to say, every thing is a direct proof of divine unity and a window yielding knowledge of God.
Âlemde her bir şey, bütün eşyayı kendi Hâlık’ına verir. Ve dünyada her bir eser, bütün âsârı kendi müessirinin eserleri olduğunu gösterir. Ve kâinatta her bir fiil-i icadî, bütün ef’al-i icadiyeyi kendi fâilinin fiilleri olduğunu ispat eder. Ve mevcudata tecelli eden her bir isim, bütün esmayı kendi müsemmasının isimleri ve unvanları olduğuna işaret eder. Demek her bir şey, doğrudan doğruya bir bürhan-ı vahdaniyettir ve marifet-i İlahiyenin bir penceresidir.

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An object, especially if it is animate, is a miniature specimen of the universe, a seed of the world, and a fruit of the globe of the earth. Since this is so, the one who created the miniature specimen, seed and fruit must also be the one who created the universe. For the creator of the fruit cannot be other than the creator of the tree that bears it.
Evet her bir '''eser''', hususan zîhayat olsa kâinatın küçük bir misal-i musağğarıdır ve âlemin bir çekirdeğidir ve küre-i arzın bir meyvesidir. Öyle ise o misal-i musağğarı, o çekirdeği, o meyveyi icad eden, herhalde bütün kâinatı icad eden yine odur. Çünkü meyvenin mûcidi, ağacının mûcidinden başkası olamaz.

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