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Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The officials here utilize government influence for their own personal grudges. But I offer a hundred thousand thanks to Almight y God, and by way of making known His bounties, I say this: All this oppression and tyranny of theirs is like pieces of wood for the fire of ardour and endeavour which illuminates the lights of the Qur’an; it makes them flare up and shine. And those lights of the Qur’an, which have suffered this persecution of theirs and h..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And so on and so forth. But they put me in a village and set those with the least conscience on me. I have only been able to go to another village twenty minutes away twice in six years, and they did not give me permission to go there for a few days’ change of air, crushing me even more under their tyranny. Whereas whatever form a government takes the law is the same for all. There cannot be different laws for villages and for different individual..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The officials here utilize government influence for their own personal grudges. But I offer a hundred thousand thanks to Almight y God, and by way of making known His bounties, I say this: All this oppression and tyranny of theirs is like pieces of wood for the fire of ardour and endeavour which illuminates the lights of the Qur’an; it makes them flare up and shine. And those lights of the Qur’an, which have suffered this persecution of theirs and h..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
329. satır: 329. satır:
And so on and so forth. But they put me in a village and set those with the least conscience on me. I have only been able to go to another village twenty minutes away twice in six years, and they did not give me permission to go there for a few days’ change of air,  crushing me even more under their tyranny. Whereas whatever form a government takes the law is the same for all. There cannot be different laws for  villages  and  for different  individuals.  That  is  to  say, the  law  as  far  as  I am concerned is unlawfulness.
And so on and so forth. But they put me in a village and set those with the least conscience on me. I have only been able to go to another village twenty minutes away twice in six years, and they did not give me permission to go there for a few days’ change of air,  crushing me even more under their tyranny. Whereas whatever form a government takes the law is the same for all. There cannot be different laws for  villages  and  for different  individuals.  That  is  to  say, the  law  as  far  as  I am concerned is unlawfulness.

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The officials  here utilize government influence for their own personal grudges. But I offer a hundred thousand thanks to Almight y God, and by way of making known His bounties, I say this: All this oppression and tyranny of theirs is like pieces of wood for the fire of ardour and endeavour which illuminates the lights of the Qur’an; it makes them flare up and shine. And those lights of the Qur’an, which have suffered this persecution of theirs and have spread with the heat of endeavour, have made this province, indeed, most of the country, into a medrese in place of Barla. They supposed me to a prisoner in a village. On the contrary, in spite of the atheists, Barla has become the teaching desk, and many places, like Isparta, have become the medrese.
Buradaki memurlar; nüfuz-u hükûmeti, ağraz-ı şahsiyede istimal ediyorlar. Fakat Cenab-ı Erhamü’r-Râhimîn’e yüz binler şükrediyorum ve tahdis-i nimet suretinde derim ki: Bütün onların bu tazyikat ve istibdatları; envar-ı Kur’aniyeyi ışıklandıran gayret ve himmet ateşine, odun parçaları hükmüne geçiyor; iş’al ediyor, parlatıyor. Ve o tazyikleri gören ve gayretin hararetiyle inbisat eden o envar-ı Kur’aniye; Barla yerine bu vilayeti, belki ekser memleketi bir medrese hükmüne getirdi. Onlar, beni bir köyde mahpus zannediyor. Zındıkların rağmına olarak, bilakis Barla kürsî-i ders olup Isparta gibi çok yerler medrese hükmüne geçti.

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All praise be to God, this is a bounty from my Lord and Sustainer.
اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ هٰذَا مِن۟ فَض۟لِ رَبّٖى

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