İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"I have no doubt therefore that the above-mentioned points and the course of my life and my involuntarily studying fields of learning opposed to normal practice, outside my own will and awareness, were a powerful divine favour and dominical bounty bestowed to yield sacred results such as these." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O God! Grant blessings to our master Muhammad that will be pleasing to You and fulfilment of his truth, and to his Family and Companions, and grant them peace. Amen." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("I have no doubt therefore that the above-mentioned points and the course of my life and my involuntarily studying fields of learning opposed to normal practice, outside my own will and awareness, were a powerful divine favour and dominical bounty bestowed to yield sacred results such as these." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
576. satır: 576. satır:
O God! Grant blessings to our master Muhammad that will be pleasing to You and fulfilment of his truth, and to his Family and Companions, and grant them peace. Amen.
O God! Grant blessings to our master Muhammad that will be pleasing to You and fulfilment of his truth, and to his Family and Companions, and grant them peace. Amen.

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<span id="Mahrem_Bir_Suale_Cevaptır"></span>
=== Mahrem Bir Suale Cevaptır ===
===The Answer to a Confidential Question===

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[This instance of divine favour was written some time ago confidentially and  was  added  to  the  end of the  Fourteenth  Word. However, most of the scribes have forgotten it and not written it. That is  to say, the appropriate place for it must  have been here, since it remained unknown.]
Şu sırr-ı inayet eskiden mahremce yazılmış, On Dördüncü Söz’ün âhirine ilhak edilmişti. Her nasılsa ekser müstensihler unutup yazmamışlardı. Demek münasip ve lâyık mevkii burası imiş ki gizli kalmış.

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