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Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In consequence of the above seven reasons, we shall point out several signs of universal dominical favours." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("I have no doubt therefore that the above-mentioned points and the course of my life and my involuntarily studying fields of learning opposed to normal practice, outside my own will and awareness, were a powerful divine favour and dominical bounty bestowed to yield sacred results such as these." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("In consequence of the above seven reasons, we shall point out several signs of universal dominical favours." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
581. satır: 581. satır:
[This instance of divine favour was written some time ago confidentially and  was  added  to  the  end of the  Fourteenth  Word. However, most of the scribes have forgotten it and not written it. That is  to say, the appropriate place for it must  have been here, since it remained unknown.]
[This instance of divine favour was written some time ago confidentially and  was  added  to  the  end of the  Fourteenth  Word. However, most of the scribes have forgotten it and not written it. That is  to say, the appropriate place for it must  have been here, since it remained unknown.]

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'''You ask me:'''“How is it that in the Words you have written from the Qur’an are a power  and  effectiveness  rarely to be found in the words of Qur’anic commentators  and those with  knowledge  of God? Sometimes a single  line  is  as powerful as a page, and one page as effective as a book?”
'''Benden sual ediyorsun:''' “Neden senin Kur’an’dan yazdığın Sözler’de bir kuvvet, bir tesir var ki müfessirlerin ve âriflerin sözlerinde nadiren bulunur. Bazen bir satırda, bir sahife kadar kuvvet var; bir sahifede, bir kitap kadar tesir bulunuyor?”

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'''The Answer:'''A good answer: since the honour belongs to the Qur’an’s miraculousness and not to me, I say fearlessly: it is mostly like that for the following reason: The Words that have been written are not supposition, they are affirmation; they
'''Elcevap:''' –Güzel bir cevaptır– Şeref, i’caz-ı Kur’an’a ait olduğundan ve bana ait olmadığından bilâ-perva derim: Ekseriyet itibarıyla öyledir. Çünkü yazılan Sözler tasavvur değil tasdiktir, teslim değil imandır, marifet değil şehadettir, şuhuddur, taklit değil tahkiktir, iltizam değil iz’andır, tasavvuf değil hakikattir, dava değil dava içinde bürhandır.
are not submission, they are belief; they are not intuitive knowledge (marifet), they are a testifying and witnessing; they are not imitating, they are verification; they are not taking the part of something, they are comprehension of it; they are not Sufism, they are reality (hakikat); they are not a claim, they are the proof within the claim.

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The wisdom in this is as follows: Formerly, the  fundamentals of belief  were  protected, submission was strong.Even if the intuitive knowledge of those with knowledge of God lacked proof, their expositions were acceptable and sufficient. But at this time, since the misguidance of science has stretched out its hand to the fundamentals and pillars [of belief], the All- Wise and  Compassionate  One of Glory,  who  bestows a remedy for  every ill, in consequence of my impotence and weakness, want and need, mercifully bestowed in these writings of mine which serve the Qur’an a single ray from the comparisons of that Noble Qur’an, which are a most brilliant manifestation of its miraculousness.
Şu sırrın hikmeti budur ki: Eski zamanda, esasat-ı imaniye mahfuzdu, teslim kavî idi. Teferruatta, âriflerin marifetleri delilsiz de olsa beyanatları makbul idi, kâfi idi. Fakat şu zamanda dalalet-i fenniye, elini esasata ve erkâna uzatmış olduğundan, her derde lâyık devayı ihsan eden Hakîm-i Rahîm olan Zat-ı Zülcelal, Kur’an-ı Kerîm’in en parlak mazhar-ı i’cazından olan temsilatından bir şulesini; acz ve zaafıma, fakr ve ihtiyacıma merhameten hizmet-i Kur’an’a ait yazılarıma ihsan etti.

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