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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And they shall say: “Praise be to God, Who has guided us to this [felicity]; never could we have found guidance, had it not been for the guidance of God; indeed, it was the truth that the prophets of our Sustainer brought to us!”(7:43)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==The Ninth Section Nine Allusions==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("And they shall say: “Praise be to God, Who has guided us to this [felicity]; never could we have found guidance, had it not been for the guidance of God; indeed, it was the truth that the prophets of our Sustainer brought to us!”(7:43)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
928. satır: 928. satır:
Yes, since man is a comprehensive index of the universe, his heart resembles a map  of  thousands  of  worlds.  For  innumerable  human  sciences  and  fields  of knowledge show that man’s brain in his head is a sort of centre of the universe, like a telephone  and telegraph exchange for innumerable lines. Similarly, the millions of light-scattering books written by incalculable saints show man’s heart in his essential being to be the place of manifestation of innumerable cosmic truths, and to be their pivot, and seed.
Yes, since man is a comprehensive index of the universe, his heart resembles a map  of  thousands  of  worlds.  For  innumerable  human  sciences  and  fields  of knowledge show that man’s brain in his head is a sort of centre of the universe, like a telephone  and telegraph exchange for innumerable lines. Similarly, the millions of light-scattering books written by incalculable saints show man’s heart in his essential being to be the place of manifestation of innumerable cosmic truths, and to be their pivot, and seed.

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Since the human heart and brain are thus central, and comprise the members of a mighty tree in the form of a seed, and within them are encapsulated the parts and  components of an eternal, majestic machine pertaining to  the hereafter, certainly the heart’s Creator willed that it should be worked and brought out from the potential to the actual, and  developed, and put into action, for that is what He did. Since He willed it, the heart will certainly work like the mind. And the most effective means of working it is to be turned towards the truths of faith on the Sufi path through the remembrance of God in the degrees of sainthood.
İşte madem kalp ve dimağ-ı insanî bu merkezdedir; çekirdek haletinde bir şecere-i azîmenin cihazatını tazammun eder ve ebedî, uhrevî, haşmetli bir makinenin âletleri ve çarkları, içinde dercedilmiştir. Elbette ve herhalde o kalbin Fâtır’ı, o kalbi işlettirmesini ve bi’l-kuvve tavırdan bilfiil vaziyetine çıkarmasını ve inkişafını ve hareketini irade etmiş ki öyle yapmış. Madem irade etmiş, elbette o kalp dahi akıl gibi işleyecek. Ve kalbi işlettirmek için en büyük vasıta, velayet meratibinde zikr-i İlahî ile tarîkat yolunda hakaik-i imaniyeye teveccüh etmektir.

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<span id="İkinci_Telvih"></span>
=== İkinci Telvih ===
===Second Allusion===

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