İçeriğe atla

Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The thing most worthy of love is love, and that most deserving of enmity is enmity. That is, love and loving, which render man’s social life secure and lead to happiness are most worthy of love and being loved. Enmity and hostility are ugly and damaging, have overturned man’s social life, and more than anything deserve loathing and enmity and to be shunned." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For example, the cause for shortening the ritual prayers while on a journey is hardship. But it cannot be the reason. For it has no determined limit and may be abused. The reason may only be the journey." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The thing most worthy of love is love, and that most deserving of enmity is enmity. That is, love and loving, which render man’s social life secure and lead to happiness are most worthy of love and being loved. Enmity and hostility are ugly and damaging, have overturned man’s social life, and more than anything deserve loathing and enmity and to be shunned." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
286. satır: 286. satır:
What I am certain of from my experience of social life and have learnt from my life-time of study is the following:
What I am certain of from my experience of social life and have learnt from my life-time of study is the following:

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The thing most worthy of love is love, and that most deserving of enmity is enmity. That is, love and loving, which render man’s social life secure and lead to happiness are most worthy of love and being loved. Enmity and hostility are ugly and damaging, have overturned man’s social life, and more than anything deserve loathing and enmity and to be shunned.
Muhabbete en lâyık şey muhabbettir ve husumete en lâyık sıfat husumettir. Yani hayat-ı içtimaiye-i beşeriyeyi temin eden ve saadete sevk eden muhabbet ve sevmek sıfatı, en ziyade sevilmeye ve muhabbete lâyıktır. Ve hayat-ı içtimaiye-i beşeriyeyi zîr ü zeber eden düşmanlık ve adâvet, her şeyden ziyade nefrete ve adâvete ve ondan çekilmeye müstahak ve çirkin ve muzır bir sıfattır.

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Since this truth has been clearly explained in the Twenty-Second Letter of the Risale-i Nur, here we shall point it out only briefly. It is as follows:
Bu hakikat Risale-i Nur’un “Yirmi İkinci Mektup”unda izahıyla beyan edildiğinden burada kısa bir işaret ediyoruz. Şöyle ki:

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The time for enmity and hostility has finished. Two world wars have shown how evil, destructive, and what an awesome wrong is enmity. It has become clear that there is no benefit in it at all. In which case, on condition they are not aggressive, do not let the evils of our enemies attract your enmity. Hell and Divine punishment are enough for them.
Husumet ve adâvetin vakti bitti. İki harb-i umumî adâvetin ne kadar fena ve tahrip edici ve dehşetli zulüm olduğunu gösterdi. İçinde hiçbir fayda olmadığı tezahür etti. Öyle ise düşmanlarımızın seyyiatı –tecavüz olmamak şartıyla– adâvetinizi celbetmesin. Cehennem ve azab-ı İlahî kâfidir onlara.

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Sometimes, man’s arrogance and self-worship cause him to be unjustly hostile towards believers without his being aware of it; he supposes himself to be right. But this hostility and enmity is to slight powerful causes of love towards the believers, like belief, Islam, and fellow-humanity; it is to reduce their value. It is a lunacy like preferring the insignificant causes of enmity to the causes of love, which are as great as a mountain.
Bazen insanın gururu ve nefis-perestliği, şuursuz olarak ehl-i imana karşı haksız olarak adâvet eder; kendini haklı zanneder. Halbuki bu husumet ve adâvetle, ehl-i imana karşı muhabbete vesile olan iman, İslâmiyet ve cinsiyet gibi kuvvetli esbabı istihfaf etmektir, kıymetlerini tenzil etmektir. Adâvetin ehemmiyetsiz esbablarını, muhabbetin dağ gibi sebeplerine tercih etmek gibi bir divaneliktir.

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