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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The society of which I am a member is Islamic Unity, which I have here described in detail. It is not the imaginary organization that critics have falsely described. The members of this religious association are together whether in the north, south, east or west." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''In Short:'''The freedom outside the bounds of the Shari‘a is either despotism, or slavery to the soul, or animality, or savagery. The heedless and atheists who want such freedom should know that they will never make any European with a conscience love them through vice and irreligion, nor will they resemble them. For no one loves the dissolute and the unprincipled. And if a man wears a woman’s dress, he merely becomes ridiculous." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The society of which I am a member is Islamic Unity, which I have here described in detail. It is not the imaginary organization that critics have falsely described. The members of this religious association are together whether in the north, south, east or west." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
696. satır: 696. satır:
'''Eighth Groundless Fear:'''The majority of the people who have joined the Union here, both in fact and in spirit, supporters of Islamic Unity, are ordinary people, and some are an unknown quantity; this hints of conflict and dissension.
'''Eighth Groundless Fear:'''The majority of the people who have joined the Union here, both in fact and in spirit, supporters of Islamic Unity, are ordinary people, and some are an unknown quantity; this hints of conflict and dissension.

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'''The Answer:'''It is rather as a consequence of enmity not being permitted. Also, since its aim is unity and upholding the Word of God, all its activities and endeavours are worship. In the mosque of worship king and beggar are equal. True equality is its principle; there is no privilege. The best is the one most fearing of God. And the one most fearing of God is the most humble.
'''Elcevap:''' Belki ağraza adem-i müsaadesine binaendir. Hem de madem maksadı, ittihat ve i’lâ-yı kelimetullahtır. Teşebbüsat ve harekâtı da ibadettir. İbadet camiinde şah ve geda birdir. Müsavat hakiki düsturdur. İmtiyaz yoktur. Zira en ekrem, en müttakidir. Ve en müttaki, en mütevazidir.

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As a consequence, together with joining in meaning the true Union,(*<ref>*That is, Islamic Unity. [Tr.]</ref>)
Binaenaleyh manen asıl hakikat-i ittihada intisap ile beraber sureten onun numunesi olan bu uhrevî ve sırf dinî cemaate intisap ile teşerrüf edecek, yoksa şeref vermeyecektir. Bir katre, bahr-i ummanı tezyid edemez. Hem de bir günah-ı kebire ile imandan çıkmadığı gibi şems garptan tulû etmediğinden tövbenin kapısı da açıktır. Bir testi müteneccis su, bir denizi tencis etmediği gibi kendi de temizlendiğinden şimdi bu numune-i ittihada intisap eden adama şartımız olan sünnet-i Nebeviyeyi aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, ihya ve evamirine imtisal ve nevahiden içtinab ve asayişe ilişmemek –elinden gelse– azm-i kat’î ile dâhil olan bazı meçhulü’l-hal olanlar bu hakikat-i âliyeyi lekedar etmez. Zira kendi lekedar olsa da imanı mukaddestir. Rabıta da imandır. Bu unvan-ı mukaddese böyle bahane ile leke sürmek; İslâmiyet’in kıymet ve ulviyetini bilmemekle beraber, kendini ahmaku’n-nâs ilan etmektir.
he will be honoured by joining this Union, which is a physical sample of it. A single droplet does not increase the ocean. And just as one grievous sin does not cause a person to cease being a believer, so the door of repentance is open till the sun rises in the west. And in the same way that a flagon of impure water does not make the ocean unclean, a number of persons of unknown origins -now that they have purified themselves- who have joined this sample of Islamic Unity with the firm intention, as far as they can, to revive the practices of the Prophet (PBUH), obey his commands and refrain from what he prohibited, and not disturb public order, will not stain this elevated reality. For even if they themselves are tainted, their belief is sacred. The bond too is belief. One who smears this sacred name with such pretexts, is unaware of Islam’s worth and elevatedness, and simply proclaims himself to be an idiot.

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We strenuously reject any innuendoes made against our society, which is a sample of Islamic Unity, by analogies made with worldly societies, and efforts to smear it. If anyone offers objections by way of asking for information, we are ready to reply to them. The field is open...!
Numune-i ittihat olan cemaatimize –sair cem’iyat-ı dünyeviyeye kıyasen– leke sürmeyi, ta’riz etmeyi cemi’ kuvvetimizle reddederiz. İstifsar tarîkiyle bir itirazları olursa cevaba hazırız. İşte meydan!

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The society of which I am a member is Islamic Unity, which I have here described in detail. It is not the imaginary organization that critics have falsely described. The members of this religious association are together whether in the north, south, east or west.
Benim dâhil olduğum cemaat, burada tafsil ettiğim ittihad-ı İslâm’dır. Yoksa muterizlerin bâtıl tevehhüm ettikleri cemiyet-i mütehayyile değildir. Bu dinî heyet efradı, şarkta olsa garpta olsa cenupta olsa şimalde olsa beraberiz.

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'''Question:'''You sometimes sign yourself as Bediuzzaman (the Wonder of the Age). Does this not infer self-praise?
'''Sual:''' Sen imzanı bazen Bediüzzaman yazıyorsun. Lakap medhi îma eder?

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