İçeriğe atla

Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O Soldiers of Islam! I remind you of the decree of the Glory of the World (Upon whom be blessings and peace) that it is obligatory to obey those in command within the bounds of the Shari‘a. Your commanders and masters are your officers. The army resembles a huge and orderly factory. If one cog of the machinery departs from the order and discipline, the whole factory is thrown into confusion." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("There is no Creator and Sustainer save Him." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O Soldiers of Islam! I remind you of the decree of the Glory of the World (Upon whom be blessings and peace) that it is obligatory to obey those in command within the bounds of the Shari‘a. Your commanders and masters are your officers. The army resembles a huge and orderly factory. If one cog of the machinery departs from the order and discipline, the whole factory is thrown into confusion." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
816. satır: 816. satır:
hear from the depths of its heart an utterly elevated, serious, heartfelt, familiar, convincing, heavenly voice, decked out with proofs, which continually chants: “There is no god but God.”
hear from the depths of its heart an utterly elevated, serious, heartfelt, familiar, convincing, heavenly voice, decked out with proofs, which continually chants: “There is no god but God.”

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The six aspects of this illumined proof are all transparent. Above it is the stamp of miraculousness; within it are the lights of guidance; beneath it are proof and logic; on its right is its calling the intellect to investigate; on its left is its calling the conscience to testify; before it is good; its goal is the happiness of both worlds; and its point of support is pure revelation. How can doubts and delusions penetrate it?
Evet, şu bürhan-ı münevverin altı ciheti de şeffaftır. Üstünde sikke-i i’caz, içinde nur-u hidayet, altında mantık ve delil, sağında aklı istintak; solunda vicdanı istişhad; önünde hayır, hedefinde saadet-i dâreyn, nokta-i istinadı vahy-i mahzdır. Vehmin ne haddi var, girebilsin!

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Will, mind, emotion, and the subtle inner faculties, which constitute the four elements of the conscience and four faculties of the spirit, each have an ultimate aim.
Vicdanın anâsır-ı erbaası ve ruhun dört havassı olan irade, zihin, his, latîfe-i Rabbaniye, her birinin bir gayatü’l-gayatı var:

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The ultimate aim of the will is worship of God;
İradenin ibadetullahtır.

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that of the mind is knowledge of God;
Zihnin marifetullahtır.

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that of the emotions is love of God;
Hissin muhabbetullahtır.

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