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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.(*<ref>*Qur'an, 42:11.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O Soldiers of Islam! I remind you of the decree of the Glory of the World (Upon whom be blessings and peace) that it is obligatory to obey those in command within the bounds of the Shari‘a. Your commanders and masters are your officers. The army resembles a huge and orderly factory. If one cog of the machinery departs from the order and discipline, the whole factory is thrown into confusion." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.(*<ref>*Qur'an, 42:11.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
828. satır: 828. satır:
that of the emotions is love of God;
that of the emotions is love of God;

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and that of the inner faculties is the vision of God.
Latîfenin müşahedetullahtır.

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The perfect worship known as taqwa comprises the four. The Shari‘a both cultivates these, and corrects them, and takes them towards their ultimate goals.
Takva denilen ibadet-i kâmile, dördünü tazammun eder. Şeriat şunları hem tenmiye hem tehzib hem bu gayatü’l-gayata sevk eder.

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If the means and causes in creation had been given an actual effect, they should also have been given universal consciousness, and this would have been opposed to the perfect art in things. However, the excellence of the art in things, from the lowest to the highest and from the smallest to the greatest, is proportionate to the innate stature of each. Thus, some are not close to the True Causer and some far from Him, and some of them are not created through intermediaries and some without. The lack of perfection in man’s voluntary works rejects the ideas of compulsion and proves will.
Eğer icaddaki vasıta hakiki olsaydı ve hakiki tesir verilseydi hem bir şuur-u küllî verilmek lâzım idi hem de bizzarure eserde itkan-ı kemal-i sanat muhtelif olacaktı. Halbuki en âdiden en âlîye, en küçükten en büyüğe itkan; derece-i kemalde, mahiyetin kameti nisbetindedir. Demek Müessir-i Hakiki’den bazı karib, bazı baîd, kısmen vasıtasız, kısmen vasıta ile kısmen vesait ile değildir. İnsanın ihtiyarî eserindeki adem-i kemal; cebri nefiy, ihtiyarı ispat eder.

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It is worthy of notice that in respect of order, a city built by men as the work of their intellects through the intervention of their wills is inferior to the bee community in their hive, which is the fruit of inspiration. While the city of cells of the honeycomb, the bees’ exhibition of art, is inferior as regards order to the fruit of the pomegranate and its flower. This means that from whichever pen the general attraction in the universe flows, the miniscule attraction in the most minute indivisible particles are that pen’s points.
Cây-ı dikkattir ki: Cüz’î bir ihtiyarın tavassutu ile eser-i akıl bir insan şehri, intizamca semere-i vahiy bir arı kovanındaki cemaate yetişmez. Ve arıların meşher-i sanatı bir petek hüceyrat şehri; bir nar ve (cilnar) gülnardan intizamca geridir. Demek, kâinattaki cazibe-i umumiye hangi kalemden akmışsa cüz-i lâyetecezzadaki küçücük cazibeler o kalemin noktalarıdır.

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Islam says: There is no god but God, and does not accept that causes and intermediaries have an actual effect. It looks on intermediaries as signifying the meaning of one other than themselves. Belief in Divine Unity and the duties of submission to it demand this. However, because it has been corrupted, present-day Christianity considers causes and intermediaries to have an effect, and looks on them as signifying themselves. Their belief in Jesus as the son of God and in the priesthood demands this, and urges it. They look on their saints for their own sakes as though they do not signify another, as the source of effulgence, like the light of a lamp -according to one view- transformed from the sunlight. We look on the saints as signifying the meaning of another, that is, as a place of reflection and manifestation, like a mirror spreads the sunlight.(*<ref>* The Naqshbandis' method is based on this mystery.</ref>)
İslâmiyet der: لَا خَالِقَ اِلَّا هُوَ Hem vesait ve esbabı, müessir-i hakiki olarak kabul etmez. Vasıtaya mana-yı harfî nazarıyla bakar. Akide-i tevhid ve vazife-i teslim ve tefviz öyle ister. Tahrif sebebiyle şimdiki Hristiyanlık esbab ve vesaiti müessir bilir, mana-yı ismî nazarıyla bakar. Akide-i velediyet ve fikr-i ruhbaniyet öyle ister, öyle sevk eder. Onlar azizlerine mana-yı ismiyle birer menba-ı feyz ve –güneşin ziyasından bir fikre göre istihale etmiş lambanın nuru gibi– birer maden-i nur nazarıyla bakıyorlar. Biz ise evliyaya mana-yı harfiyle yani âyine güneşin ziyasını neşrettiği gibi birer ma’kes-i tecelli nazarıyla bakıyoruz. '''(Hâşiye'''<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Nakşibendî rabıtası bu sırra bina edilmiştir.</ref>''')'''

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It is because of this that spiritual journeying begins from humility, passes through self-abasement, and reaches the station of annihilation in God. It begins to journey through infinite stations. Such journeying is extinguished by the arrogant pride of the ego and evil-commanding soul. However, not true Christianity, but the corrupted Christianity which has been shaken by philosophy, strengthens the ego. If a person of high rank and station with a powerful ego is a Christian, he becomes more determined in his religion, whereas a Muslim in a similar position becomes lax in religion.
Bu sırdandır ki bizde sülûk tevazudan başlar, mahviyetten geçer, fenafillah makamını görür. Gayr-ı mütenahî makamatta sülûka başlar. Ene ve nefs-i emmare kibriyle, gururuyla söner. Hakiki Hristiyanlık değil belki tahrif ve felsefe ile sarsılmış Hristiyan’da, ene levazımatıyla kuvvetleşir. Enesi kuvvetli, müteşahhıs, rütbeli, makam sahibi bir adam, Hristiyan olsa mütesallib olur. Fakat Müslüman olsa lâkayt olur.

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