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On Birinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"With this purpose in mind, the king started to construct a vast and majestic palace. He divided it into magnificent apartments and dwellings, and decorated it with every sort of jewel from his treasuries, and with his own hand so full of art adorned it with the finest and most beautiful works. He ordered it with the subtlest of the arts of his wisdom, and decked it out with the miraculous works of his knowledge. Then after completing it, he set up in the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Other: so that he could look through the view of others." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("With this purpose in mind, the king started to construct a vast and majestic palace. He divided it into magnificent apartments and dwellings, and decorated it with every sort of jewel from his treasuries, and with his own hand so full of art adorned it with the finest and most beautiful works. He ordered it with the subtlest of the arts of his wisdom, and decked it out with the miraculous works of his knowledge. Then after completing it, he set up in the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
15. satır: 15. satır:
The Other: so that he could look through the view of others.
The Other: so that he could look through the view of others.

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With this purpose in mind, the king started to construct a vast and majestic palace. He divided it into magnificent apartments and dwellings, and decorated it with every sort of jewel from his treasuries, and with his own hand so full of art adorned it with the finest and most beautiful works. He ordered it with the subtlest of the arts of his wisdom, and decked it out with the miraculous works of his knowledge. Then after completing it, he set up in the palace broad tables containing the most delicious of every kind of food and every sort of bounty. He specified an appropriate table for each group. He set out such a  munificent  and  artful banquet  that  it  was  as  though the  boundless  priceless bounties he spread out  had come into existence through the works of a hundred subtle arts.
Bu hikmete binaen, cesîm ve geniş ve muhteşem bir kasrı yapmaya başladı. Şahane bir surette dairelere, menzillere taksim ederek hazinelerinin türlü türlü murassaatıyla süslendirip kendi dest-i sanatının en latîf, en güzel eserleriyle ziynetlendirip fünun-u hikmetinin en incelikleriyle tanzim edip düzelterek ve ulûmunun âsâr-ı mu’cizekâraneleriyle donatarak tekmil ettikten sonra, her bir taam ve nimetlerinin bütün çeşitlerinden en lezizlerini câmi’ sofralar, o sarayda kurdu. Her bir taifeye lâyık bir sofra tayin etti. Öyle sehavetkârane, sanat-perverane bir ziyafet-i âmme ihzar etti ki güya her bir sofra, yüz sanayi-i latîfenin eserleriyle vücud bulmuş gibi kıymetli hadsiz nimetleri serdi.

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