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On Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Also, you know that an insignificant man of small standing among a small community in a disputed matter of small importance cannot tell a small but shameful lie brazen-faced and without fear without displaying anxiety or disquiet enough to inform the enemies at his side of his deception. Now look at that Being; although he undertook a tremendous task which required an official of great authority and great standing and a situation of great se..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==NINTH DROPLET==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Also, you know that an insignificant man of small standing among a small community in a disputed matter of small importance cannot tell a small but shameful lie brazen-faced and without fear without displaying anxiety or disquiet enough to inform the enemies at his side of his deception. Now look at that Being; although he undertook a tremendous task which required an official of great authority and great standing and a situation of great se..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
75. satır: 75. satır:

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Also,  you  know  that  an  insignificant  man  of  small  standing  among  a  small community in a disputed matter of small importance cannot tell a small but shameful lie brazen-faced and without fear  without displaying anxiety or disquiet enough to inform the enemies at his side of his deception. Now look at that Being; although he undertook a tremendous task which required an official of great authority and great standing and a situation of great security, can any contradiction at all be found in the words he uttered among a community of great size in the face of great hostility concerning a great cause and  matters of great significance, with great ease and freedom, without fear, hesitation, diffidence, or anxiety, with pure sincerity, great seriousness, and in an intense, elevated manner that angered his enemies? Is it at all possible that any trickery should have been involved? God forbid!  
Hem bilirsin, küçük bir adam, küçük bir haysiyetle, küçük bir cemaatte, küçük bir meselede, münazaralı bir davada hicabsız, pervasız; küçük fakat hacaletâver bir yalanı, düşmanları yanında hilesini hissettirmeyecek derecede teessür ve telaş göstermeden söyleyemez. Şimdi bak bu zata; pek büyük bir vazifede, pek büyük bir vazifedar, pek büyük bir haysiyetle, pek büyük emniyete muhtaç bir halde, pek büyük bir cemaatte, pek büyük husumet karşısında, pek büyük meselelerde, pek büyük davada, pek büyük bir serbestiyetle, bilâ-perva, bilâ-tereddüt, bilâ-hicab, telaşsız, samimi bir safvetle, büyük bir ciddiyetle, hasımlarının damarlarına dokunduracak şedit, ulvi bir surette söylediği sözlerinde hiç hilaf bulunabilir mi? Hiç hile karışması mümkün müdür? Kellâ!

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