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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, a veil of wisdom demonstrating intention, consciousness, and will, has covered the whole universe, and upon that veil of wisdom has been spread a veil of grace and favour exhibiting beneficence, adornment, embellishment, and benevolence; and over that adorned veil of favour a garment of mercy displaying flashes of making known and loved, of bestowal and the granting of gifts has enveloped the universe; and spread over that illuminated veil of unive..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, on the one hand this mutual support and assistance, this answering one another’s needs, this mutual embracing, this subjugation, this order, testify decisively that beings are administered and organized by a single Disposer and are being impelled and directed by a single Nurturer. And on the other hand, this perfect grace within the universal wisdom to be seen plainly in the art of things; and the all-embracing mercy which shines..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, a veil of wisdom demonstrating intention, consciousness, and will, has covered the whole universe, and upon that veil of wisdom has been spread a veil of grace and favour exhibiting beneficence, adornment, embellishment, and benevolence; and over that adorned veil of favour a garment of mercy displaying flashes of making known and loved, of bestowal and the granting of gifts has enveloped the universe; and spread over that illuminated veil of unive..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
345. satır: 345. satır:
Thus,  on  the  one  hand  this  mutual  support  and  assistance,  this  answering  one another’s needs, this mutual embracing, this subjugation, this order, testify decisively that beings are administered and organized by a single Disposer and are being impelled and directed by a  single Nurturer. And on the  other hand, this perfect  grace within the universal wisdom to be seen plainly in the art of things; and  the all-embracing mercy which shines within the providence; and the sustenance spread over that  mercy and scattered so as to answer the needs of all living beings needy for sustenance; –these form a stamp of Divine unity so brilliant that anyone whose mind is not altogether extinguished will understand it and anyone who is not altogether blind will see it.
Thus,  on  the  one  hand  this  mutual  support  and  assistance,  this  answering  one another’s needs, this mutual embracing, this subjugation, this order, testify decisively that beings are administered and organized by a single Disposer and are being impelled and directed by a  single Nurturer. And on the  other hand, this perfect  grace within the universal wisdom to be seen plainly in the art of things; and  the all-embracing mercy which shines within the providence; and the sustenance spread over that  mercy and scattered so as to answer the needs of all living beings needy for sustenance; –these form a stamp of Divine unity so brilliant that anyone whose mind is not altogether extinguished will understand it and anyone who is not altogether blind will see it.

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Yes, a veil of wisdom demonstrating intention, consciousness, and will, has covered the whole universe, and upon that veil of wisdom has been spread a veil of grace and favour exhibiting  beneficence, adornment, embellishment, and benevolence; and over that adorned veil of favour a garment of mercy displaying flashes of making known and loved, of bestowal and the granting of gifts has enveloped the universe; and spread over that illuminated veil of universal mercy is a table of general provisions showing kindness and bestowal and benevolence and perfect compassion and fine nurturing and dominical favour.
Evet, kasd ve şuur ve iradeyi gösteren bir perde-i hikmet, umum kâinatı kaplamış ve o perde-i hikmet üstünde lütuf ve tezyin ve tahsin ve ihsanı gösteren bir perde-i inayet serilmiştir ve o müzeyyen perde-i inayet üstünde kendini sevdirmek ve tanıttırmak, in’am ve ikram etmek lem’alarını gösteren bir hulle-i rahmet, kâinatı içine almıştır. Ve o münevver perde-i rahmet-i âmme üstüne serilen ve terahhumu ve ihsan ve ikramı ve kemal-i şefkat ve hüsn-ü terbiyeyi ve lütf-u rububiyeti gösteren bir sofra-i erzak-ı umumiye dizilmiştir.

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