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Yirmi İkinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In exactly the same way, the faultless works observed in the world, which manifest the meaning of “Do you see any flaw?”, (*<ref>*Qur’an, 67:3.</ref>) this art in the well-ordered beings of the universe, point observedly to the perfect acts of an active possessor of power. And those perfect acts point clearly to the perfect Names of a Glorious Agent. And that perfection necessarily points to and testifies to the perfect attributes of the Beauteous..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''In Short:''' The mighty book of the universe both teaches us the creational signs concerning Divine existence and unity, and it testifies to all the attributes of perfection, beauty, and glory of that All-Glorious One. And they prove the perfection of the Divine Essence faultlessly and without defect. For it is obvious that perfection in a work points to the perfection of the act which is the source and origin of the work. And the perfection of the ac..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("In exactly the same way, the faultless works observed in the world, which manifest the meaning of “Do you see any flaw?”, (*<ref>*Qur’an, 67:3.</ref>) this art in the well-ordered beings of the universe, point observedly to the perfect acts of an active possessor of power. And those perfect acts point clearly to the perfect Names of a Glorious Agent. And that perfection necessarily points to and testifies to the perfect attributes of the Beauteous..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
397. satır: 397. satır:
For example, the perfect inscriptions and adornments of a faultless palace indicate the perfection  of  a master builder’s acts behind them. And the perfection of the acts shows the perfection of that active master’s titles and names, which demonstrate his rank. And the perfection of the names and titles  show the perfection of the other attributes qualifying the master builder’s art. And the perfection of the art and attributes show the perfection of the abilities and essential capacity of that craftsman, which are called the essential qualities. And the perfection of those essential qualities and abilities show the perfection of the master’s essential nature.
For example, the perfect inscriptions and adornments of a faultless palace indicate the perfection  of  a master builder’s acts behind them. And the perfection of the acts shows the perfection of that active master’s titles and names, which demonstrate his rank. And the perfection of the names and titles  show the perfection of the other attributes qualifying the master builder’s art. And the perfection of the art and attributes show the perfection of the abilities and essential capacity of that craftsman, which are called the essential qualities. And the perfection of those essential qualities and abilities show the perfection of the master’s essential nature.

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In exactly the same way, the faultless works observed in the world, which manifest the meaning of  “Do you see any flaw?”, (*<ref>*Qur’an, 67:3.</ref>) this art in the well-ordered beings of the universe, point observedly to the perfect acts of an active possessor of power. And those perfect acts point clearly to the perfect Names of a Glorious Agent. And that perfection necessarily points to and testifies to the perfect attributes of the Beauteous One signified by the Names. And certainly those perfect attributes point and testify to the perfection of the Perfect  One  qualified  by the  attributes. And those perfect  qualities point  with such absolute certainty to the  perfect  Essence of the One possessing the qualities that they indicate that all the sorts of perfection to be seen in the whole universe are but signs of His perfections, hints of His Glory, and allusions to His beauty, and pale, weak shadows in relation to His perfection.
Aynen öyle de şu kusursuz, futursuz هَل۟ تَرٰى مِن۟ فُطُورٍ sırrına mazhar olan şu âsâr-ı meşhude-i âlem, şu mevcudat-ı muntazama-i kâinatta olan sanat ise bilmüşahede bir müessir-i zi’l-iktidarın kemal-i ef’aline delâlet eder. O kemal-i ef’al ise bilbedahe o fâil-i zülcelalin kemal-i esmasına delâlet eder. O kemal-i esma ise bizzarure o esmanın müsemma-i zülcemalinin kemal-i sıfâtına delâlet ve şehadet eder. O kemal-i sıfât ise bi’l-yakîn o mevsuf-u zülkemalin kemal-i şuununa delâlet ve şehadet eder. O kemal-i şuun ise bihakkalyakîn o zîşuunun kemal-i zatına öyle delâlet eder ki bütün kâinatta görünen bütün enva-ı kemalât, onun kemaline nisbeten sönük bir zıll-i zayıf suretinde bir Zat-ı Zülkemal’in âyât-ı kemali ve rumuz-u celali ve işarat-ı cemali olduğunu gösterir.

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