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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Suddenly, the scene changed. I was in a train in a tunnel, which was travelling fast as though downwards vertically. I took fright. But what could I do, there was no escape anywhere. Strangely, attractive flowers and enticing fruits appeared on both sides of the train. And I, like the foolish and inexperienced, looked at them and stretching out my hand, tried to pick them. But they were covered in thorns and tore at my hands when I touched them making t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("While in that sorry state, a man suddenly appeared. He said to me: “You have wasted all your capital and deserve punishment. You are going to your destination bankrupt and with your hands empty. But if you have any sense, the door of repentance is open. When you receive the fifteen pieces of gold that remain to you, keep half of them in reserve. That is, obtain the things necessary for you in the place where you are going.” I looked, my soul did not..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Suddenly, the scene changed. I was in a train in a tunnel, which was travelling fast as though downwards vertically. I took fright. But what could I do, there was no escape anywhere. Strangely, attractive flowers and enticing fruits appeared on both sides of the train. And I, like the foolish and inexperienced, looked at them and stretching out my hand, tried to pick them. But they were covered in thorns and tore at my hands when I touched them making t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
193. satır: 193. satır:
“You have wasted all your capital and deserve punishment. You are going to your destination bankrupt and with your hands empty. But if you have any sense, the door of repentance is open. When you receive the fifteen pieces of gold that remain to you, keep half of them in reserve. That is, obtain the things necessary for you in the place where you are going.” I looked, my soul did not agree to this. So he said: “A third, then.” My soul still did not obey him. Then he said: “A quarter.” My soul could not give up the habits to which it was addicted, so the man angrily turned his back on me and left.
“You have wasted all your capital and deserve punishment. You are going to your destination bankrupt and with your hands empty. But if you have any sense, the door of repentance is open. When you receive the fifteen pieces of gold that remain to you, keep half of them in reserve. That is, obtain the things necessary for you in the place where you are going.” I looked, my soul did not agree to this. So he said: “A third, then.” My soul still did not obey him. Then he said: “A quarter.” My soul could not give up the habits to which it was addicted, so the man angrily turned his back on me and left.

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Suddenly, the scene changed. I was in a train in a tunnel, which was travelling fast as though downwards vertically. I took fright. But what could I do, there was no escape anywhere. Strangely, attractive flowers and enticing fruits appeared on both sides of the train. And I, like the  foolish and inexperienced, looked at them and stretching out my hand, tried to pick them. But they were covered in thorns and tore at my hands when I touched them making them bleed. With the movement  of the train, my hands were lacerated at being parted from them. They cost me much. Suddenly a porter on the train said: “Give me five kurush and I shall give you as much of the flowers and fruits as you want. You are caused the loss of a hundred kurush with your hands being torn, rather than five kurush. Also there is a penalty; you cannot pick them without permission.”
Birden o hal değişti. Baktım ki ben, tünel içinde sukut eder gibi bir süratle giden bir şimendifer içindeyim. Telaş ettim. Fakat ne çare ki hiçbir tarafa kaçılmaz. Garaibden olarak o şimendiferin iki tarafında pek cazibedar çiçekler, leziz meyveler görünüyordu. Ben de akılsız acemiler gibi onlara bakıp elimi uzattım. O çiçekleri koparmak, o meyveleri almak için çalıştım. Fakat o çiçekler ve meyveler, dikenli mikenli, mülakatında elime batıyor, kanatıyor. Şimendiferin gitmesiyle müfarakatından elimi parçalıyorlar, bana pek pahalı düşüyorlardı. Birden şimendiferdeki bir hademe dedi: “Beş kuruş ver, sana o çiçek ve meyvelerden istediğin kadar vereceğim. Beş kuruş yerine elin parçalanmasıyla yüz kuruş zarar ediyorsun. Hem de ceza var, izinsiz koparamazsın.”

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