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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Man resembles a delicate and petted child in the universe. There is a great strength in his weakness and great power in his impotence. For it is through the strength of his weakness and power of his impotence that beings have been subjected to him. If man understands his weakness and offers supplications verbally and by state and conduct, and recognizes his impotence and seeks help, since he has offered thanks by exhibiting them, he achieves his aims a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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("Man resembles a delicate and petted child in the universe. There is a great strength in his weakness and great power in his impotence. For it is through the strength of his weakness and power of his impotence that beings have been subjected to him. If man understands his weakness and offers supplications verbally and by state and conduct, and recognizes his impotence and seeks help, since he has offered thanks by exhibiting them, he achieves his aims a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
206. satır: 206. satır:

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Man resembles a delicate and petted child in the universe. There is a great strength in his weakness  and great power in his impotence. For it is through the strength of his weakness and power of his  impotence that beings have been subjected to him. If man understands his weakness and offers supplications verbally and by state and conduct, and recognizes his impotence and seeks help, since he has offered thanks by exhibiting them, he achieves his aims and his desires are subjugated to him in a way far exceeding what he could achieve with his own power. Only, he sometimes wrongly attributes to his own power the attainment of a wish that has been obtained for him through the supplications offered by the tongue of his disposition. For example, the strength in the weakness of a chick causes the mother hen to attack a lion. And its newly-born lion cub subjugates to itself the savage and hungry lioness, leaving the mother hungry and the cub full. See this strength in weakness and manifestation of Divine mercy, which are worthy of notice!
İnsan, şu kâinat içinde pek nazik ve nâzenin bir çocuğa benzer. Zaafında büyük bir kuvvet ve aczinde büyük bir kudret vardır. Çünkü o zaafın kuvvetiyle ve aczin kudretiyledir ki şu mevcudat ona musahhar olmuş. Eğer insan zaafını anlayıp kālen, halen, tavren dua etse ve aczini bilip istimdad eylese; o teshirin şükrünü eda ile beraber matlubuna öyle muvaffak olur ve maksatları ona öyle musahhar olur ki iktidar-ı zatîsiyle onun öşr-i mi’şarına muvaffak olamaz. Yalnız bazı vakit lisan-ı hal duasıyla hasıl olan bir matlubunu yanlış olarak kendi iktidarına hamleder. Mesela, tavuğun yavrusunun zaafındaki kuvvet, tavuğu arslana saldırtır. Yeni dünyaya gelen arslanın yavrusu, o canavar ve aç arslanı kendine musahhar edip onu aç bırakıp kendi tok oluyor. İşte cây-ı dikkat zaaftaki bir kuvvet ve şâyan-ı temaşa bir cilve-i rahmet…

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