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Yirmi Dördüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In exactly the same way, while performing the five daily prayers an impotent servant of Almighty God declares: “Salutations be to God!” That is, “I offer You on my own account all the gifts of worship all creatures offer you through their lives. If I had been able, I would have offered You as many salutations as them, for You are worthy of them, and worthy of more besides.” Such an intention and belief comprise extensive universal thanks. The see..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:''' With a universal intention and boundless belief..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In exactly the same way, while performing the five daily prayers an impotent servant of Almighty God declares: “Salutations be to God!” That is, “I offer You on my own account all the gifts of worship all creatures offer you through their lives. If I had been able, I would have offered You as many salutations as them, for You are worthy of them, and worthy of more besides.” Such an intention and belief comprise extensive universal thanks. The see..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
401. satır: 401. satır:
'''The Answer:''' With a universal intention and boundless belief...
'''The Answer:''' With a universal intention and boundless belief...

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For example, a man enters a king’s presence with a gift worth five kurush, and he sees that other gifts worth millions have arrived from acceptable people, and have been lined up there. It occurs to him: “My present is nothing. What shall I do?” Then he says suddenly: “My Lord! I offer you all these valuable gifts in my name. For you are worthy of them. If I had the power, I would have given you gifts equal to them.” Thus, the king, who has need of nothing and accepts his subjects’ gifts as a sign of their loyalty and respect, accepts that wretched man’s universal intention and wish, and the worthiness of his elevated belief as though it was the greatest gift.
Mesela, nasıl ki bir adam beş kuruş kıymetinde bir hediye ile bir padişahın huzuruna girer ve görür ki her biri milyonlara değer hediyeler, makbul adamlardan gelmiş, orada dizilmiş. Onun kalbine gelir: “Benim hediyem hiçtir, ne yapayım?” Birden der: “Ey seyyidim! Bütün şu kıymettar hediyeleri kendi namıma sana takdim ediyorum. Çünkü sen onlara lâyıksın. Eğer benim iktidarım olsaydı bunların bir mislini sana hediye ederdim.” İşte hiç ihtiyacı olmayan ve raiyetinin derece-i sadakat ve hürmetlerine alâmet olarak hediyelerini kabul eden o padişah, o bîçarenin o büyük ve küllî niyetini ve arzusunu ve o güzel ve yüksek itikad liyakatini, en büyük bir hediye gibi kabul eder.

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In exactly the same way, while performing the five daily prayers an impotent servant of Almighty God declares: “Salutations be to God!” That is, “I offer You on my own account all the gifts of worship all creatures offer you through their lives. If I had been able, I would have offered You as many salutations as them, for You are worthy of them, and worthy of more besides.” Such an intention and belief comprise extensive universal thanks. The seeds and grains of plants are their intentions.
Aynen öyle de âciz bir abd, namazında اَلتَّحِيَّاتُ لِلّٰهِ der. Yani bütün mahlukatın hayatlarıyla sana takdim ettikleri hediye-i ubudiyetlerini, ben kendi hesabıma, umumunu sana takdim ediyorum. Eğer elimden gelseydi onlar kadar tahiyyeler sana takdim edecektim. Hem sen onlara hem daha fazlasına lâyıksın. İşte şu niyet ve itikad, pek geniş bir şükr-ü küllîdir. Nebatatın tohumları ve çekirdekleri, onların niyetleridir.

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