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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Indeed, as the speech of the All-Glorious Creator of the universe, the Qur’an proceeds from the ultimate degree of His dominicality, passes over all the other degrees guiding those who rise to them, and passing through seventy thousand veils, it looks to each and illuminates it. It scatters its radiance and spreads its light to the thousands of levels of those it addresses, the understanding and intelligence of whom are all different. Altho..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For example, by means of a comparison, the verse, The Most Merciful One on the Throne established(*<ref>*Qur’an, 20:5.</ref>) depicts Divine dominicality as a kingdom, and the degree of that dominicality as that of a King seated on the throne of his sovereignty and exercising His rule." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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("Indeed, as the speech of the All-Glorious Creator of the universe, the Qur’an proceeds from the ultimate degree of His dominicality, passes over all the other degrees guiding those who rise to them, and passing through seventy thousand veils, it looks to each and illuminates it. It scatters its radiance and spreads its light to the thousands of levels of those it addresses, the understanding and intelligence of whom are all different. Altho..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
477. satır: 477. satır:
The Most Merciful One on the Throne established(*<ref>*Qur’an, 20:5.</ref>) depicts Divine dominicality as a kingdom, and the degree of that dominicality as that of a King seated on the throne of his sovereignty and exercising His rule.
The Most Merciful One on the Throne established(*<ref>*Qur’an, 20:5.</ref>) depicts Divine dominicality as a kingdom, and the degree of that dominicality as that of a King seated on the throne of his sovereignty and exercising His rule.

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Indeed, as the speech of the All-Glorious Creator of the universe, the Qur’an proceeds from the ultimate degree of His dominicality, passes over all the other degrees guiding those who rise to them, and passing  through seventy thousand veils, it looks to each and illuminates it. It scatters its radiance and spreads its light to the thousands of levels of those  it  addresses, the  understanding  and  intelligence  of  whom  are  all  different. Although it has lived through ages and centuries  whose capacities are all different, and has broadcast its meaning to this great extent, it has not lost an iota of its perfect youth and juvenility, and retaining its total freshness and delicacy, it  teaches every ordinary person in a most easy, skilful, and comprehensible manner. Whatever aspect of a wonder-displaying book which thus teaches, convinces, and satisfies with the same lesson, the same words, numerous levels of people whose understanding and degrees  are  all different  –  whatever aspect of such a book is studied, a flash of miraculousness will surely appear.
Evet Kur’an, bu kâinat Hâlık-ı Zülcelal’inin kelâmı olarak rububiyetinin mertebe-i a’zamından çıkarak, umum mertebeler üstüne gelerek, o mertebelere çıkanları irşad ederek, yetmiş bin perdelerden geçerek, o perdelere bakıp tenvir ederek, fehim ve zekâca muhtelif binler tabaka muhataplara feyzini dağıtıp ve nurunu neşrederek kabiliyetçe ayrı ayrı asırlar, karnlar üzerinde yaşamış ve bu kadar mebzuliyetle manalarını ortaya saçmış olduğu halde kemal-i şebabetinden, gençliğinden zerre kadar zayi etmeyerek gayet taravette, nihayet letafette kalarak gayet suhuletli bir tarzda, sehl-i mümteni bir surette, her âmîye anlayışlı ders verdiği gibi; aynı derste, aynı sözlerle fehimleri muhtelif ve dereceleri mütebayin pek çok tabakalara dahi ders verip ikna eden, işbâ eden bir kitab-ı mu’ciz-nümanın hangi tarafına dikkat edilse elbette bir lem’a-i i’caz görülebilir.

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