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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As eternal benevolence and pre-eternal wisdom necessitated, the Pre-Eternally All- Wise One created this world to be a place of trial, an arena of examination, a mirror to His Most Beautiful Names, and a page for the pen of Divine Determining and power. Now, trial and examination are the cause of growth and development. And growth causes the disposition to unfold. And this unfolding causes the abilities to become apparent. And this emergence of the abil..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Since it is out of this transient world that the permanent world will be made, its fundamental elements will certainly go to eternity and permanence. Indeed, Paradise and Hell are the two fruits of the branch of the tree of creation, which stretches, inclines, and goes towards eternity; they are the two results of the chain of the universe; the two storehouses of this flood of Divine activity; the two pools of beings, which flow in waves towards etern..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("As eternal benevolence and pre-eternal wisdom necessitated, the Pre-Eternally All- Wise One created this world to be a place of trial, an arena of examination, a mirror to His Most Beautiful Names, and a page for the pen of Divine Determining and power. Now, trial and examination are the cause of growth and development. And growth causes the disposition to unfold. And this unfolding causes the abilities to become apparent. And this emergence of the abil..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
507. satır: 507. satır:
'''The secret of this Allusive Point is as follows:'''
'''The secret of this Allusive Point is as follows:'''

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As eternal benevolence and pre-eternal wisdom necessitated, the Pre-Eternally All- Wise One created this world to be a place of trial, an arena of examination, a mirror to His Most  Beautiful Names, and a page for the pen of Divine Determining and power. Now, trial and examination are the cause of growth and development. And growth causes the disposition to unfold. And this unfolding causes the abilities to become apparent. And this emergence of the abilities causes the relative truths to  become evident. And the relative truths’ becoming evident causes the embroideries of the  manifestations  of the All-Glorious Maker’s Most Beautiful Names to be displayed, and the universe to  be transformed into a missive of the Eternally Besought One.
Hakîm-i Ezelî inayet-i sermediye ve hikmet-i ezeliyenin iktizasıyla, şu dünyayı tecrübeye mahal ve imtihana meydan ve esma-i hüsnasına âyine ve kalem-i kader ve kudretine sahife olmak için yaratmış. Ve tecrübe ve imtihan ise neşv ü nemaya sebeptir. O neşv ü nema ise istidatların inkişafına sebeptir. O inkişaf ise kabiliyetlerin tezahürüne sebeptir. O kabiliyetlerin tezahürü ise hakaik-i nisbiyenin zuhuruna sebeptir. Hakaik-i nisbiyenin zuhuru ise Sâni’-i Zülcelal’in esma-i hüsnasının nukuş-u tecelliyatını göstermesine ve kâinatı mektubat-ı Samedaniye suretine çevirmesine sebeptir.

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It is through this mystery of examination and the mystery of man’s accountability that the diamond-like essences of elevated spirits are purified of the coal-like matter of base spirits, and the two separated out from one another.
İşte şu sırr-ı imtihan ve sırr-ı teklif iledir ki ervah-ı âliyenin elmas gibi cevherleri, ervah-ı safilenin kömür gibi maddelerinden tasaffi eder, ayrılır.

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