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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"It is through this mystery of examination and the mystery of man’s accountability that the diamond-like essences of elevated spirits are purified of the coal-like matter of base spirits, and the two separated out from one another." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As eternal benevolence and pre-eternal wisdom necessitated, the Pre-Eternally All- Wise One created this world to be a place of trial, an arena of examination, a mirror to His Most Beautiful Names, and a page for the pen of Divine Determining and power. Now, trial and examination are the cause of growth and development. And growth causes the disposition to unfold. And this unfolding causes the abilities to become apparent. And this emergence of the abil..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("It is through this mystery of examination and the mystery of man’s accountability that the diamond-like essences of elevated spirits are purified of the coal-like matter of base spirits, and the two separated out from one another." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
511. satır: 511. satır:
It is through this mystery of examination and the mystery of man’s accountability that the diamond-like essences of elevated spirits are purified of the coal-like matter of base spirits, and the two separated out from one another.
It is through this mystery of examination and the mystery of man’s accountability that the diamond-like essences of elevated spirits are purified of the coal-like matter of base spirits, and the two separated out from one another.

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Thus, since it was for mysteries such as these, and for other most subtle and elevated instances of wisdom which we do not yet know of that the Pre-Eternally All-Wise One willed the world in this form, He also willed the change and transformation of this world for  those  instances  of  wisdom.   He  mixed  together  opposites  for  its  change  and transformation, and brought them face to face. Combining harm with benefit, including evil with good, and mingling ugliness with beauty, He kneaded them together like dough, and made the universe subject to the law of change and mutation, and the principle of transformation and perfection.
İşte bu mezkûr sırlar gibi daha bilmediğimiz çok ince, âlî hikmetler için âlemi bu surette irade ettiğinden şu âlemin tagayyür ve tahavvülünü dahi o hikmetler için irade etti. Tahavvül ve tagayyür için zıtları birbirine hikmetle karıştırdı ve karşı karşıya getirdi. Zararları menfaatlere mezcederek, şerleri hayırlara idhal ederek, çirkinlikleri güzelliklerle cem’ederek, hamur gibi yoğurarak şu kâinatı tebeddül ve tagayyür kanununa ve tahavvül ve tekâmül düsturuna tabi kıldı.

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