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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"So now, O wretched, heedless denier! With what can you smash this proof which is as powerful as the chain of the universe? With what can you close this latticed window with its innumerable spaces through which shine rays of truth to the number of these creatures? Which veil of heedlessness can you draw over it?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("According to the meaning of the verse: The seven heavens and the earth and all within them extol His limitless glory, and there is nothing but it extols His limitless glory and praise,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 17:44.</ref>) the All-Glorious Maker has attached innumerable meanings and instances of wisdom to the heavenly bodies so that it is as if, in order to express His glory and beauty, He has adorned the heavens with the words of the suns, moons and stars. To..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("So now, O wretched, heedless denier! With what can you smash this proof which is as powerful as the chain of the universe? With what can you close this latticed window with its innumerable spaces through which shine rays of truth to the number of these creatures? Which veil of heedlessness can you draw over it?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
301. satır: 301. satır:
Now consider the winds! According to the testimony of their other wise, generous benefits and duties, they are hastening to extremely numerous and important tasks. It means that their  movement in waves is a being employed, a being despatched, a being utilized by an All-Wise Maker; it  is a working expeditiously to speedily carry out the commands of their Sustainer.
Now consider the winds! According to the testimony of their other wise, generous benefits and duties, they are hastening to extremely numerous and important tasks. It means that their  movement in waves is a being employed, a being despatched, a being utilized by an All-Wise Maker; it  is a working expeditiously to speedily carry out the commands of their Sustainer.

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Now consider the springs, the streams, and the rivers! Their welling-up out of the ground and out of mountains is not by chance. For it is demonstrated by the testimony of their benefits and fruits, the works of Divine mercy, and by the statement of their being stored up in mountains with the balance of wisdom in proportion to need, that they are subjugated and stored up by an All-Wise Sustainer, and that their flowing forth is their conforming exuberantly to His command.
Şimdi bak çeşmelere, çaylara, ırmaklara… Yerden, dağlardan kaynamaları tesadüfî değildir. Çünkü onlara terettüp eden âsâr-ı rahmet olan faydaların ve semerelerin şehadetiyle ve dağlarda bir mizan-ı hâcetle iddiharlarının ifadesiyle ve bir mizan-ı hikmetle gönderilmelerinin delâletiyle gösteriliyor ki bir Rabb-i Hakîm’in teshiriyle ve iddiharıyladır. Ve kaynamaları ise onun emrine heyecanla imtisal etmeleridir.

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Now consider all the varieties of stones and jewels and minerals in the earth! Their decorations and  beneficial properties, the wise benefits connected to them, and their being prepared in a manner appropriate to human and animal needs and vital necessities all show that they are made in that way through the decoration, arrangement, planning, and forming of an All-Wise Maker.
Şimdi yerdeki bütün taşların ve cevahirlerin ve madenlerin envaına bak! Bunların tezyinatları ve menfaatli hâsiyetleri bir Sâni’-i Hakîm’in tezyini ile tertibi ile tedbiri ile tasviri ile olduğunu, onlara müteallik hakîmane faydaları ve mesalih-i hayatiye ve levazımat-ı insaniye ve hâcat-ı hayvaniyeye muvafık bir tarzda ihzarları gösteriyor.

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