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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, as its other wise duties show, light shines in order to proclaim and make known the Divine creatures on the face of the earth, with the permission of its Sustainer. This means that light is employed by a Wise Maker; by means of it, He makes manifest His antique works of art in the exhibitions of the market of this world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The universe’s lamp, the sun, forms a window onto the existence and unity of the universe’s Maker that is as brilliant and luminous as the sun itself." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, as its other wise duties show, light shines in order to proclaim and make known the Divine creatures on the face of the earth, with the permission of its Sustainer. This means that light is employed by a Wise Maker; by means of it, He makes manifest His antique works of art in the exhibitions of the market of this world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
338. satır: 338. satır:
O you astronomers! What chance can interfere in these matters? The hands of what causes can reach them? What force can draw close to this? Come on, you say! Would an All-Glorious Monarch such as this display impotence and permit others to have a role in his sovereignty? Would He give to other hands living creatures in particular, which are the fruit, result, aim, and essence of the universe? Would He permit another to interfere? Especially man,  would He leave him to his own devices, the most comprehensive of those fruits, the most perfect of the results, vicegerent of the earth, and His mirror-like guest?  Would  He  refer  him  to  nature  and  chance  and  reduce  the  majesty  of  His sovereignty to nothing; reduce to nothing His perfect wisdom?
O you astronomers! What chance can interfere in these matters? The hands of what causes can reach them? What force can draw close to this? Come on, you say! Would an All-Glorious Monarch such as this display impotence and permit others to have a role in his sovereignty? Would He give to other hands living creatures in particular, which are the fruit, result, aim, and essence of the universe? Would He permit another to interfere? Especially man,  would He leave him to his own devices, the most comprehensive of those fruits, the most perfect of the results, vicegerent of the earth, and His mirror-like guest?  Would  He  refer  him  to  nature  and  chance  and  reduce  the  majesty  of  His sovereignty to nothing; reduce to nothing His perfect wisdom?

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== Yirmi İkinci Pencere ==
==Twenty-Second Window==

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Have We not made the earth a cradle, * And the mountains as pegs, * And created you as pairs?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 78:6-8.</ref>) * So behold the signs of God’s Mercy, how He raises to life the earth after its death.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 30:50.</ref>)
اَلَم۟ نَج۟عَلِ ال۟اَر۟ضَ مِهَادًا
وَ ال۟جِبَالَ اَو۟تَادًا
وَخَلَق۟نَاكُم۟ اَز۟وَاجًا
فَان۟ظُر۟ اِلٰٓى اٰثَارِ رَح۟مَتِ اللّٰهِ كَي۟فَ يُح۟يِى ال۟اَر۟ضَ بَع۟دَ مَو۟تِهَا

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The globe of the earth is a head with a hundred thousand mouths. In each mouth are a hundred thousand tongues. On each tongue are a hundred thousand proofs, each one of which testifies in numerous ways to the necessary existence, unity, sacred attributes, and Most Beautiful Names of an All-Glorious One.
Küre-i arz bir kafadır ki yüz bin ağzı vardır. Her bir ağzında, yüz bin lisanı vardır. Her lisanında, yüz bin bürhanı var ki her biri çok cihetle Vâcibü’l-vücud, Vâhid-i Ehad, her şeye Kadîr, her şeye Alîm bir Zat-ı Zülcelal’in vücub-u vücuduna ve vahdetine ve evsaf-ı kudsiyesine ve esma-i hüsnasına şehadet ederler.

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