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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Look at your own body and its members and the fruits of its intricate and complex places! See the perfect power within the perfect wisdom!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The moon too has been given various mansions through which to journey. Thus, these aspects of this blessed planet of ours prove the necessary existence and unity of a Possessor of Absolute Power with a testimony as powerful as the globe of the earth itself. You can make an analogy with the rest of the solar system from this. Furthermore, the sun is made to turn on its own axis like a spinning-wheel, in order to wind into a ball the immaterial threads c..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Look at your own body and its members and the fruits of its intricate and complex places! See the perfect power within the perfect wisdom!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
349. satır: 349. satır:
Then the layer of soil was thrown over the pegs of mountains so that the earthquakes arising from internal upheavals could breathe through the mountains and they would not  cause the earth to be shaken out of its motion and duties, and so that the mountains would preserve the  earth from the encroachment of the sea, and all would be storehouses for the vital necessities of living  beings, and would purify the air from noxious gases so allowing living beings to breathe, and so that they would accumulate and hold water reserves, and would be a source and mine for the minerals necessary for living creatures.
Then the layer of soil was thrown over the pegs of mountains so that the earthquakes arising from internal upheavals could breathe through the mountains and they would not  cause the earth to be shaken out of its motion and duties, and so that the mountains would preserve the  earth from the encroachment of the sea, and all would be storehouses for the vital necessities of living  beings, and would purify the air from noxious gases so allowing living beings to breathe, and so that they would accumulate and hold water reserves, and would be a source and mine for the minerals necessary for living creatures.

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Thus, this situation testifies most clearly and powerfully to the necessary existence and unity of a Possessor of Absolute Power, an All-Wise and Compassionate One.
İşte bu vaziyet bir Kadîr-i Mutlak ve bir Hakîm-i Rahîm’in vücub-u vücuduna ve vahdetine gayet kat’î ve kuvvetli şehadet eder.

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O geographers! With what can you explain this? What chance could make this dominical ship full of these wonderful creatures into an exhibition of marvels, and spin it at a speed whereby it covers a distance of twenty-four thousand years a year while not allowing a single of the objects arranged on its face to fall off?
Ey coğrafyacı efendi! Bunu ne ile izah edersin? Hangi tesadüf şu acayib-i masnuat ile dolu sefine-i Rabbaniyeyi bir meşher-i acayip yaparak yirmi dört bin sene bir mesafede, bir senede süratle çevirip onun yüzünde dizilmiş eşyadan hiçbir şey düşürmesin?

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Consider also the strange arts on the face of the earth. How wisely the elements are employed in their functions! How well they attend to the guests of the Most Merciful One on the earth  through the command of that All-Wise and Powerful One, and hasten to serve them!
Hem zeminin yüzündeki acib sanatlara bak! Anâsırlar, ne derece hikmetle tavzif edilmişler. Bir Kadîr-i Hakîm’in emriyle zemin yüzündeki Rahman misafirlerine nasıl güzel bakıyorlar, hizmetlerine koşuyorlar.

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Also look at these embroidered lines within strange and wondrous arts on face of the earth, multicolored and full of strange wisdom! See how the brooks and streams, seas and rivers, mountains and hills have all been made dwellings and means of transport suitable for His various creatures and servants. See how with perfect wisdom and order He has then filled them with hundreds of thousands of varieties of plants and animals, and given them life and made them rejoice, and how regularly minute by minute He discharges the creatures and empties those dwellings with death, and then once again in orderly fashion refills them in the form of ‘resurrection after death.’ This testifies with hundreds of thousands of  tongues to the necessary existence and unity of an All-Powerful One of Glory, an All-Wise One of Perfection.
Hem acib ve garib sanatlar içinde rengârenk acib hikmetli zemin yüzünün simasındaki bu nakışlı çizgilere bak! Nasıl sekenelerine enhar ve çayları, deniz ve ırmakları, dağ ve tepeleri, ayrı ayrı mahluklarına ve ibadına lâyık birer mesken ve vesait-i nakliye yapmış. Sonra yüz binler ecnas-ı nebatat ve enva-ı hayvanatıyla kemal-i hikmet ve intizam ile doldurup hayat vererek şenlendirmek, vakit be-vakit muntazaman mevt ile terhis ederek boşaltıp yine muntazaman   بَع۟ثُ بَع۟دَ ال۟مَو۟تِ   suretinde doldurmak; bir Kadîr-i Zülcelal’in ve bir Hakîm-i Zülkemal’in vücub-u vücuduna ve vahdetine yüz binler lisanlarla şehadet ederler.

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In Short: The earth, the face of which is an exhibition of marvels of art, a display of wonders of creation, a place of passage for the caravans of beings, and a mosque and dwelling for the ranks of worshippers, is like the heart of all the universe; it thus displays the light of Divine unity to the same degree as the universe.
Elhasıl: Yüzü, acayib-i sanata bir meşher ve garaib-i mahlukata bir mahşer ve kafile-i mevcudata bir memer ve sufûf-u ibadına bir mescid ve makar olan zemin, bütün kâinatın kalbi hükmünde olduğundan kâinat kadar nur-u vahdaniyeti gösterir.

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O geographer! If the head of the earth has a hundred thousand mouths and with the hundred thousand tongues in each it makes known God, and still you do not recognize Him and plunge your head in the swamp of nature, then ponder over the greatness of your fault! Know what a grievous punishment it makes you deserve! Come to your senses and extract  your  head  from  the  swamp!
İşte ey coğrafyacı efendi! Bu zemin kafası yüz bin ağız, her birinde yüz bin lisan ile Allah’ı tanıttırsa ve sen onu tanımazsan, başını tabiat bataklığına soksan derece-i kabahatini düşün. Ne derece dehşetli bir cezaya seni müstahak eder, bil, ayıl ve başını bataklıktan çıkar.

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