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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For through an all-embracing law of mutual assistance, the sun cooks the necessities for the lives of living beings on the earth through a dominical command, and the moon acts as a calendar, and light, air, water, and sustenance hasten to the assistance of living beings, and plants hasten to the assistance of animals, and animals hasten to the assistance of human beings, and the members of the body hasten to assist one another, and particles of food eve..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Now consider the winds! According to the testimony of their other wise, generous benefits and duties, they are hastening to extremely numerous and important tasks. It means that their movement in waves is a being employed, a being despatched, a being utilized by an All-Wise Maker; it is a working expeditiously to speedily carry out the commands of their Sustainer." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For through an all-embracing law of mutual assistance, the sun cooks the necessities for the lives of living beings on the earth through a dominical command, and the moon acts as a calendar, and light, air, water, and sustenance hasten to the assistance of living beings, and plants hasten to the assistance of animals, and animals hasten to the assistance of human beings, and the members of the body hasten to assist one another, and particles of food eve..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
372. satır: 372. satır:
Yes, on its own, life makes known a Living and Self-Subsistent One together with all his Names and acts. For life is a light, a medicament, like a potion blended from numerous attributes. Just as the seven colours are combined in light, and various drugs are blended together in a medicament, so life is a reality made of numerous attributes. Some of the attributes in its reality expand by means of the senses; they unfold and are differentiated. However the greater part make themselves perceived in the form of the emotions; they make themselves known by welling up out of life.
Yes, on its own, life makes known a Living and Self-Subsistent One together with all his Names and acts. For life is a light, a medicament, like a potion blended from numerous attributes. Just as the seven colours are combined in light, and various drugs are blended together in a medicament, so life is a reality made of numerous attributes. Some of the attributes in its reality expand by means of the senses; they unfold and are differentiated. However the greater part make themselves perceived in the form of the emotions; they make themselves known by welling up out of life.

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Furthermore, life comprises provision, mercy, grace,  and  wisdom,  which  are dominant in the regulation, and administration of the universe. It is as if life fastens them on behind it and  draws them into the place it enters. For example, when life enters a body, the Name of All-Wise is also manifested; it makes its home well and orders it with wisdom. In the same way, the Name of All-Generous is manifested, and it organizes and decorates its dwelling according to its needs. At the same time, the manifestation of the Name  of All-Compassionate is apparent; it bestows all  sorts  of bounties for the continuance and perfection of life. Again at the same time, the manifestation of the Name of Provider appears; it produces the sustenance, material and immaterial, necessary for the perpetuation and unfolding of the life, and in part stores them up within its body.
Hem hayat, kâinatın tedbir ve idaresinde hüküm-ferma olan rızık ve rahmet ve inayet ve hikmeti tazammun ediyor. Güya hayat, onları arkasına takıp girdiği yere çekiyor. Mesela hayat bir cisme, bir bedene girdiği vakit; Hakîm ismi dahi tecelli eder, hikmetle yuvasını güzelce yapıp tanzim eder. Aynı halde Kerîm ismi de tecelli edip, meskenini hâcatına göre tertip ve tezyin eder. Yine aynı halde Rahîm isminin cilvesi görünüyor ki o hayatın devam ve kemali için türlü türlü ihsanlarla taltif eder. Yine aynı halde Rezzak isminin cilvesi görünüyor ki o hayatın bekasına ve inkişafına lâzım maddî, manevî gıdaları yetiştiriyor. Ve kısmen bedeninde iddihar ediyor.

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