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"The successes the people of misguidance have achieved and the power they display and their victories over the people of guidance show that they rely on some power and truth. This means either that the people of guidance possess some weakness, or that the misguided possess some truth?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===Third Question:===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The successes the people of misguidance have achieved and the power they display and their victories over the people of guidance show that they rely on some power and truth. This means either that the people of guidance possess some weakness, or that the misguided possess some truth?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
286. satır: 286. satır:
For they say: If the people of truth had possessed complete truth and reality, they should not have  suffered defeat and abasement to this degree. For the truth is powerful. According to the fundamental principle “Truth is exalted and shall not be overcome,”(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Jana’iz, 79: “al-Islam ya’lu wa la yu’la.”</ref>) power  lies  in  truth.  If  the  people of misguidance had not possessed a true power and point of support, they could not have predominated over the people of truth and triumphed to this extent.
For they say: If the people of truth had possessed complete truth and reality, they should not have  suffered defeat and abasement to this degree. For the truth is powerful. According to the fundamental principle “Truth is exalted and shall not be overcome,”(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Jana’iz, 79: “al-Islam ya’lu wa la yu’la.”</ref>) power  lies  in  truth.  If  the  people of misguidance had not possessed a true power and point of support, they could not have predominated over the people of truth and triumphed to this extent.

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'''The Answer:''' As is proven in the above Indications, the defeat of the people of truth does not arise from lack of power and absence of truth, and as is also proven, the people of  misguidance’s victory does not spring from their power and capacity and their having some source of support. Hence, the answer to this question is all the above Indications; here we shall only point out a number of the tricks and weapons they employ, as follows:
'''Elcevap:''' Ehl-i hakkın mağlubiyeti kuvvetsizlikten, hakikatsizlikten gelmediği, sâbık işaretlerle kat’î ispat edildiği gibi; ehl-i dalaletin galebesi kuvvetlerinden ve iktidarlarından ve nokta-i istinad bulmalarından gelmediği, yine o işaretlerle kat’î ispat edildiğinden bu sualin cevabı, sâbık işaretlerin heyet-i mecmuasıdır. Yalnız burada desiselerinden ve istimal ettikleri bir kısım silahlarına işaret edeceğiz. Şöyle ki:

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I myself have frequently observed that mischief-makers, who form ten per cent, defeat the righteous, who form ninety per cent. I used to be astonished and curious. Investigating, I understood certainly that their victory  results not from power, but from corruption, baseness, destruction, taking advantage of differences among the people of truth, sowing conflict among them, from playing on their weak traits of character and grafting them with such traits, and exciting the emotions of the soul and personal hatred, and through working the evil capacities in human nature which are like mines of corruption, and through hypocritically flattering the soul’s tyranny in the name of fame and glory, and through everyone fearing their unfeeling  destruction. By means of diabolical machinations like  these, they temporarily triumph over the people of truth.
Ben kendim mükerreren müşahede etmişim ki: Yüzde on ehl-i fesat, yüzde doksan ehl-i salahı mağlup ediyordu. Hayretle merak ettim, tetkik ederek kat’iyen anladım ki o galebe kuvvetten, kudretten gelmiyor, belki fesattan ve alçaklıktan ve tahripten ve ehl-i hakkın ihtilafından istifade etmesinden ve içlerine ihtilaf atmaktan ve zayıf damarları tutmaktan ve aşılamaktan ve hissiyat-ı nefsaniyeyi ve ağraz-ı şahsiyeyi tahrik etmekten ve insanın mahiyetinde muzır madenler hükmünde bulunan fena istidatları işlettirmekten ve şan ve şeref namıyla riyakârane nefsin firavuniyetini okşamaktan ve vicdansızca tahribatlarından herkes korkmasından geliyor. Ve o misillü şeytanî desiseler vasıtasıyla muvakkaten ehl-i hakka galebe ederler.

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