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On Yedinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And do you not see that nothing apart from the most basic subsistence is left in the hands of Muslims? The rest is either stolen or seized by the European infidel tyrants or the dissemblers of Asia." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("But if you say it does not exist and you deny it, the whole world has to be sifted through in order to demonstrate it so that the denial can be proved. It is in consequence of this that the unbelievers denying a truth is like solving a problem or passing through a narrow hole or jumping over a ditch; it makes no difference whether there is one man or a thousand, because they cannot help one another. But since those who affirm look at the heart of the mat..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("And do you not see that nothing apart from the most basic subsistence is left in the hands of Muslims? The rest is either stolen or seized by the European infidel tyrants or the dissemblers of Asia." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
167. satır: 167. satır:
Yes, there are many things calling and driving man to the world, like his soul and its appetites, and need, and his senses and emotions, and the Devil, and the superficial enticement  of  the world, and false friends like  you. While those who  call to  the hereafter, which lasts  for ever, and to long-lasting eternal life, are few. If you are patriotic even to the tiniest  degree towards this nation and the high aspirations you brag about are not lies, you should help the few who call to eternal life. For if you silence them and help the many, you will be befriending Satan!
Yes, there are many things calling and driving man to the world, like his soul and its appetites, and need, and his senses and emotions, and the Devil, and the superficial enticement  of  the world, and false friends like  you. While those who  call to  the hereafter, which lasts  for ever, and to long-lasting eternal life, are few. If you are patriotic even to the tiniest  degree towards this nation and the high aspirations you brag about are not lies, you should help the few who call to eternal life. For if you silence them and help the many, you will be befriending Satan!

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Do you suppose this nation’s poverty is the result of a sort of religious asceticism or of laziness arising from abandoning the world? You are wrong to suppose that. Do you not see that the nations dominated by Europe, such as China and the Brahmins and Zoroastrians of India, and the blacks of Africa are poorer than we are?
Âyâ zanneder misin bu milletin fakr-ı hali, dinden gelen bir zühd ve terk-i dünyadan gelen bir tembellikten neş’et ediyor? Bu zanda hata ediyorsun. Acaba görmüyor musun ki Çin ve Hint’teki Mecusi ve Berahime ve Afrika’daki zenciler gibi Avrupa’nın tasallutu altına giren milletler bizden daha fakirdirler.

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And do you not see that nothing apart from the most basic subsistence is left in the hands of Muslims? The rest is either  stolen  or seized by the European infidel tyrants or the dissemblers of Asia.
Hem görmüyor musun ki zarurî kuttan ziyade Müslümanların elinde bırakılmıyor. Ya Avrupa kâfir zalimleri veya Asya münafıkları, desiseleriyle ya çalar veya gasbediyor.

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You should be certain that if your intention in forcibly driving the people of belief to degenerate civilization in this way is the country’s law and order and easy administration, you are mistaken and you are driving them down the wrong path. For it is more difficult to govern a hundred degenerates whose belief is shaken and morals corrupted, and to maintain public security among them, than to govern thousands of the righteous.
Sizin cebren böyle ehl-i imanı mimsiz medeniyete sevk etmekteki maksadınız, eğer memlekette asayiş ve emniyet ve kolayca idare etmek ise kat’iyen biliniz ki hata ediyorsunuz, yanlış yola sevk ediyorsunuz. Çünkü itikadı sarsılmış, ahlâkı bozulmuş yüz fâsıkın idaresi ve onlar içinde asayiş temini, binler ehl-i salahatin idaresinden daha müşküldür.

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Thus, according to these principles, the people of Islam are not in need of being encouraged and driven to the world and to greed. Progress and public order cannot be secured in that way. They are rather in need of having their working conditions set in order, of security being established among them, and of having the principle of co- operation encouraged. And these  needs can be brought  about through the  sacred commands of religion, and fear of God, and firm adherence to religion.
'''İşte bu esaslara binaen ehl-i İslâm, dünyaya ve hırsa sevk etmeye ve teşvik etmeye muhtaç değildirler. Terakkiyat ve asayişler, bununla temin edilmez. Belki mesailerinin tanzimine ve mabeynlerindeki emniyetin tesisine ve teavün düsturunun teshiline muhtaçtırlar. Bu ihtiyaç da dinin evamir-i kudsiyesiyle ve takva ve salabet-i diniye ile olur.'''

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<span id="Sekizinci_Nota"></span>
== Sekizinci Nota ==
==Eighth Note==

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O idle man who is unaware of the pleasure of effort and happiness of work! Know that out of His perfect munificence, Almighty God placed the reward for work within it. He included the wage for work within the work itself. It is for this reason that in their particular duties, which are called creative commands, animate beings, and  even from one  point of view  inanimate  creatures, conform  to  the dominical commands with complete eagerness  and  a sort of pleasure. Everything from bees, flies, and  chickens  to the sun  and  the  moon  carry out  their  duties  with  perfect pleasure. This means there is an enjoyment in  their work so that they perform it perfectly, although  they  do  not  think  of  the  results  since  they  do  not  possess intelligence.
Ey sa’y ve ameldeki lezzet ve saadeti bilmeyen tembel insan! Bil ki '''Cenab-ı Hak, kemal-i kereminden hizmetin mükâfatını, hizmet içinde dercetmiştir. Amelin ücretini, nefs-i amel içine koymuştur.''' İşte bu sır içindir ki mevcudat hattâ bir nokta-i nazarda camidat dahi evamir-i tekviniye tabir edilen hususi vazifelerinde, kemal-i şevk ile ve bir çeşit lezzet ile evamir-i Rabbaniyeyi imtisal ederler. Arıdan, sinekten, tavuktan tut tâ şems ve kamere kadar her şey kemal-i lezzetle vazifesine çalışıyorlar. Demek, hizmetlerinde bir lezzet var ki akılları olmadığından âkıbeti ve neticeleri düşünmeden mükemmel vazifelerini îfa ediyorlar.

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If you ask: “Living creatures have the ability to receive pleasure, but how can inanimate beings experience eagerness and enjoyment?
'''Eğer desen:''' Zîhayatta lezzet kabildir, cemadatta nasıl şevk ve lezzet olabilir?

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The Answer: Inanimate beings desire and seek a position, a rank, perfection, beauty, and order, not on their own accounts but on account of the divine names manifested on them. They become illumined and progress because in performing their natural duties, they become like mirrors and places of reflection of the names of the Light of Lights.For example, if, although they are unimportant and of themselves without light, a droplet of water or fragment of glass are turned with their pure hearts to the sun, they become thrones to the sun and smile at you.
'''Elcevap:''' Cemadat kendi hesaplarına değil, onlarda tecelli eden esma-i İlahiye hesabına bir şeref, bir makam, bir kemal, bir güzellik, bir intizam isterler, arıyorlar. O vazife-i fıtriyelerinin imtisalinde, Nuru’l-Envar’ın isimlerine birer ma’kes, birer âyine hükmüne geçtiğinden tenevvür eder, terakki eder. Mesela, nasıl ki bir katre su, bir zerrecik cam parçası zatında ziyasız, ehemmiyetsiz iken, safi kalbiyle güneşe yüzünü çevirse o vakit o ehemmiyetsiz, ziyasız katre ve cam parçası, güneşin bir nevi arşı olup senin yüzüne de tebessüm eder.

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Similarly, by being mirrors in respect of their  duties  towards  the  names  of  the  All-Glorious  One, who  possesses  absolute beauty and perfection, particles and beings rise from a very lowly position to a most elevated degree of manifestation and  illumination like the droplet and fragment of glass. Since they rise to a luminous and exalted rank by virtue of their duties, it may be said that if it is possible and they have the capacity to receive pleasure, that is, if they receive a share of general life, they perform their duties with perfect pleasure.
İşte bu misal gibi zerrat ve mevcudat, cemal-i mutlak ve kemal-i mutlak sahibi olan Zat-ı Zülcelal’in isimlerine vazife-perverlik cihetinde âyine olmalarıyla, o katre ve zerrecik şişe gibi gayet aşağı bir dereceden gayet yüksek bir derece-i zuhura ve tenevvüre çıkıyorlar. Madem vazife cihetinde gayet nurani ve yüksek bir makam alıyorlar; lezzet mümkün ve kabil ise yani hayat-ı âmmeden hissedar iseler gayet lezzet ile o vazifeleri görüyorlar, denilebilir.

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For  clear evidence of the pleasure to be found in the  performance of duties consider  your  own  members  and  emotions. Each  receives  different  pleasures  in performing the  duties connected to your personal survival and the survival of the human race. The duties themselves are a means of enjoyment for them, and to give up a duty is a sort of torment for a member.
Vazifede lezzet bulunduğuna en zâhir bir delil, sen kendi aza ve duygularının hizmetlerine bak. Her biri beka-i şahsî ve beka-i nev’î için ettikleri hizmetlerinde ayrı ayrı lezzetleri var. Nefs-i hizmet, onlara bir telezzüz hükmüne geçiyor. Hattâ hizmeti terk etmek, o uzvun bir nevi azabıdır.

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