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On Yedinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O miserable sinner who has deviated from Shari‘a! Do not look at the multitude of the dissolute and be deceived; do not say: “Most people think the same as me!” For the depraved do not want to embrace depravity; they rather fall into it and cannot extricate themselves. There is no sinner who does not want to be righteous and who does not want to see his superior and chief as religious. Other than if – I seek refuge with God! – his conscience..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And do you not see that nothing apart from the most basic subsistence is left in the hands of Muslims? The rest is either stolen or seized by the European infidel tyrants or the dissemblers of Asia." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("O miserable sinner who has deviated from Shari‘a! Do not look at the multitude of the dissolute and be deceived; do not say: “Most people think the same as me!” For the depraved do not want to embrace depravity; they rather fall into it and cannot extricate themselves. There is no sinner who does not want to be righteous and who does not want to see his superior and chief as religious. Other than if – I seek refuge with God! – his conscience..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
188. satır: 188. satır:
For  clear evidence of the pleasure to be found in the  performance of duties consider  your  own  members  and  emotions.  Each  receives  different  pleasures  in performing the  duties connected to your personal survival and the survival of the human race. The duties themselves are a means of enjoyment for them, and to give up a duty is a sort of torment for a member.
For  clear evidence of the pleasure to be found in the  performance of duties consider  your  own  members  and  emotions.  Each  receives  different  pleasures  in performing the  duties connected to your personal survival and the survival of the human race. The duties themselves are a means of enjoyment for them, and to give up a duty is a sort of torment for a member.

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Further clear evidence is the self-sacrifice and courage which such animals as cocks and hens with chicks display in performing their duties: even if hungry, the cock prefers the hens to itself, summoning them to feed. It does not peck up the food itself but allows them to do so. And it is clear that it feels pleasure, pride and enjoyment in carrying out this duty. This means it receives greater pleasure from carrying out the duty than from feeding.
Hem en zâhir bir delil dahi horoz veya yavrulu tavuk gibi hayvanatın vazifelerinde gösterdikleri fedakârane ve merdane vaziyetleridir ki horoz, aç olduğu halde tavukları nefsine tercih edip bulduğu rızka onları çağırır; yemez, onlara yedirir. Ve bir şevk ve iftihar ve telezzüz ile o vazifeyi gördüğü, görünür. Demek o hizmette, yemekten fazla bir lezzet alır.

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The hen too will sacrifice its life for its chicks, throwing itself at a dog. It will also remain hungry and give them grain. That is to say, it receives such pleasure in its duty that it makes preferable the pains of hunger and pangs of death. Animal mothers receive pleasure in trying to protect their young, it is their duty when the young are small. When the young are grown, the duty ceases and so does the pleasure. The mothers beat their offspring and take the grains of feed from them. Only, for human mothers the duties continue for some time, for due to their weakness and impotence, humans are always children in one respect, and are all the time in need of compassion.
Hem küçük yavrularına çobanlık eden tavuk dahi yavrularının hatırı için ruhunu feda eder, ite atılır. Kendini aç bırakıp onları doyurur. Demek o hizmette, öyle bir lezzet alır ki açlık acısına ve ölmek elemine tereccuh eder, ziyade gelir. Hayvanî valideler yavrularını, küçük iken vazifeleri bulunduğundan lezzetle himayeye çalışır. Büyük olduktan sonra vazife kalkar, lezzet de gider. Yavrusunu döver, elinden taneyi alır. Yalnız, insan nevindeki validelerin vazifeleri bir derece devam eder. Çünkü insanlarda zaaf ve acz itibarıyla daima bir nevi çocukluk var, her vakit de şefkate muhtaçtır.

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Consider the males and females of the animal species, like the mother hen and the cock, which acts as shepherd, and understand that they do not perform these duties on their own account, in their own names, or for their own perfections. For if they have to sacrifice their  lives in the course of their duties, they do so. They rather perform them on account of the Munificent Bestower of Bounties, the All-Glorious Creator, who employs them in their duties, in which, through His mercy, He includes pleasure.
İşte umum hayvanatın horoz gibi çobanlık eden erkeklerine ve tavuk gibi validelerine bak, anla ki bunlar kendi hesabına ve kendileri namına, kendi kemalleri için o vazifeyi görmüyorlar. Çünkü hayatını, vazifede lâzım gelse feda ediyorlar. Belki vazifeleri, onları o vazife ile tavzif eden ve o vazife içinde rahmetiyle bir lezzet derceden Mün’im-i Kerîm’in hesabına ve Fâtır-ı Zülcelal’in namına görüyorlar.

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Evidence that the wage is present in the duty itself  is  this: plants and trees conform to the Glorious Creator’s commands in a manner that implies eagerness and pleasure. For the fragrant  scents  they  disperse, and  their  being adorned  with decorations that attract the glances of their customers, and their sacrificing themselves for their shoots and fruits until they rot, shows to the attentive that they receive such pleasure in conforming to the divine commands that it rots and destroys them.
Hem nefs-i hizmette ücret bulunduğuna bir delil de şudur ki nebatat ve eşcar, bir şevk ve lezzeti ihsas eden bir tavır ile Fâtır-ı Zülcelal’in emirlerini imtisal ediyorlar. Çünkü dağıttığı güzel kokular ve müşterilerin nazarını celbedecek ziynetlerle süslenmeleri ve sümbülleri ve meyveleri için çürüyünceye kadar kendilerini feda etmeleri, ehl-i dikkate gösterir ki onların, emr-i İlahînin imtisalinden öyle bir lezzetleri var ki nefsini mahvedip çürütüyor.

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Look, fruit-bearing trees like the coconut, which bears so many cans of milk on its head, and the fig, request through the tongue of disposition the finest food like milk from the treasury of mercy; they receive it and give it to their fruits to eat, while they content themselves with muddy water.
Bak, başında çok süt konserveleri taşıyan Hindistan cevizi ve incir gibi meyvedar ağaçlar, rahmet hazinesinden lisan-ı hal ile süt gibi en güzel bir gıdayı ister, alır, meyvelerine yedirir; kendi bir çamur yer. Nar ağacı safi bir şarabı, hazine-i rahmetten alıp meyvesine yedirir; kendisi çamurlu ve bulanık bir suya kanaat eder.

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In seeds also a longing is clearly apparent  in  their  duty of germinating  and sending out shoots. Like someone imprisoned in a constricted place longs to go out into a garden or open space, such a longing, such a joyful state, is also apparent in seeds, in their duty of sprouting.
Hattâ hububatta dahi sümbüllenmek vazifesinde zâhir bir iştiyak görünür. Nasıl ki dar bir yerde hapsedilen bir zat, bir bostana, geniş bir yere çıkmayı müştakane ister. Öyle de hububatta, sümbüllenmek vazifesinde öyle sürurlu bir vaziyet, bir iştiyak görünüyor.

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It is because of this long and mysterious principle, which is in force in the universe and is called a divine practice, that those idle, lazy people who live in ease and affluence for the most part suffer more distress than those who strive and work. For the idle always complain about their lives and want to pass them quickly by indulging in amusements. Whereas the one who works and  strives is thankful and offers praise and does not want his life to pass quickly.
İşte “sünnetullah” tabir edilen, kâinatta cereyan eden bu sırlı, uzun düsturdandır ki işsiz, tembel, istirahatle yaşayan ve rahat döşeğinde uzananlar, ekseriyetle sa’y eden, çalışanlardan daha ziyade zahmet ve sıkıntı çeker. Çünkü daima işsizler ömründen şikâyet eder, eğlence ile çabuk geçmesini ister. Sa’y eden ve çalışan ise şâkirdir, hamdeder, ömrün geçmesini istemez.

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“The person who lives in idleness and ease complains  about his life, while the industrious striver is thankful” is a universal principle. It is also for this reason that the saying “Ease lies in hardship, and hardship in ease” has become proverbial.
اَل۟مُس۟تَرٖيحُ ال۟عَاطِلُ شَاكٍ مِن۟ عُم۟رِهٖ وَ السَّاعِىُ ال۟عَامِلُ شَاكِرٌ küllî düsturdur. Hem o sır iledir ki “Rahat, zahmette; zahmet, rahattadır.” cümlesi darb-ı mesel olmuştur.

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Indeed, if inanimate creatures are studied carefully, it will be seen that on their undeveloped innate capacities and abilities expanding from the potential to the actual through  great  effort  and  exertion, a  state  similar  to  the  above-mentioned  divine practice comes  about. This shows that the natural duty produces an eagerness and pleasure. If the inanimate creature partakes of general life, the eagerness is its own; otherwise it pertains to the thing which represents and supervises the creature.
Evet, cemadata dikkatle nazar edilse: Bi’l-kuvve yalnız istidat ve kabiliyet cihetinde nâkıs kalıp inkişaf etmeyenlerin, gayet bir içtihad ve sa’y ile inbisat edip bi’l-kuvveden bilfiil suretine geçmesinde, mezkûr sünnet-i İlahiye düsturuyla bir tavır görünüyor. Ve o tavır işaret eder ki o vazife-i fıtriyede bir şevk ve o meselede bir lezzet vardır. Eğer o camidin umumî hayattan hissesi varsa şevk kendisinin olur, yoksa o camidi temsil eden, nezaret eden şeye aittir.

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It may even be said that when subtle, delicate  water receives the command to  freeze, it conforms with such intense eagerness that it may split iron, breaking it into pieces. That is to say, in conveying the dominical command of “Expand!” with the tongue of freezing sub-zero temperature to the water in a closed iron  container, it breaks the container with its intense eagerness.
Hattâ bu sırra binaen denilebilir: Latîf, nazik su incimad emrini aldığı vakit, öyle şiddetli bir şevk ile o emre imtisal eder ki demiri şakkeder, parçalar. Demek bürudet ve tahte’s-sıfır soğuğun lisanıyla ağzı kapalı demir kaptaki suya “Genişlen!” emr-i Rabbanîsini tebliğinde, şiddet-i şevk ile kabını parçalar, demiri bozar, kendisi buz olur. Ve hâkeza…

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It splits the iron and itself becomes ice. You can make analogies with this for everything. From the rotations of the suns and their  peregrinations to the Mevlevi-like spinning and turning and vibrations of minute particles,  all striving and motion in the universe turns on the law of divine determining and proceeds from the hand of divine power and is manifested through the creative command which comprises divine will, knowledge, and command.
Her şeyi buna kıyas et ki güneşlerin deveranından ve seyr ü seyahatlerinden tut tâ zerrelerin mevlevî gibi devretmelerine ve dönmelerine ve ihtizazlarına kadar kâinattaki bütün sa’y ü hareket, kanun-u kader-i İlahî üzerine cereyan ediyor. Ve dest-i kudret-i İlahîden sudûr eden ve irade ve emir ve ilmi tazammun eden emr-i tekvinî ile zuhur eder.

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Each particle, each creature, each living being, even, resembles a soldier who has different relations with all the sections of the army and different duties that look to each; all particles and living beings are similar to this. For example, a particle in your eye has a relation with the cells of the eye, with the eye itself, the facial nerves, and the blood vessels of the body; and it has duties arising from those relations, and yields benefits in accordance with those duties. And so on, you can compare everything with this.
Hattâ her bir zerre her bir mevcud her bir zîhayat, bir nefer askere benzer ki orduda muhtelif dairelerde, o neferin ayrı ayrı nisbetleri, vazifeleri olduğu gibi her bir zerre her bir zîhayatın dahi öyledir. Mesela, senin gözünde bir zerre, gözün hüceyresinde ve gözde ve âsab-ı vechiyede ve bedenin şerayin tabir edilen damarlarında, birer nisbeti ve o nisbete göre birer vazifesi ve o vazifeye göre birer faydası vardır. Ve hâkeza her şeyi ona kıyas et.

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Thus, everything testifies to  the Necessary  Existence of the Pre-Eternal All- Powerful One in two respects:
Buna binaen her bir şey, bir Kadîr-i Ezelî’nin vücub-u vücuduna iki cihetle şehadet eder:

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