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"God is Most Great, may His Glory be exalted! In power and knowledge, greater is He than everything. For He is the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form, who through His power fashions man like the universe; He writes the universe with the pen of His determining as He writes man with the same pen. For the macrocosm is like the microcosm: both are fashioned by His power, inscribed by His pen; He creates the macrocosm as a place of prostration, wh..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Say: “Praise be to God who begets no son and has no partner in [His] dominion: nor [needs] He any to protect Him from humiliation: yes, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!”(17:111)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("God is Most Great, may His Glory be exalted! In power and knowledge, greater is He than everything. For He is the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form, who through His power fashions man like the universe; He writes the universe with the pen of His determining as He writes man with the same pen. For the macrocosm is like the microcosm: both are fashioned by His power, inscribed by His pen; He creates the macrocosm as a place of prostration, wh..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
27. satır: 27. satır:
Say: “Praise be to  God who begets no son and has no partner in [His] dominion: nor [needs] He any to protect Him from humiliation: yes, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!”(17:111)
Say: “Praise be to  God who begets no son and has no partner in [His] dominion: nor [needs] He any to protect Him from humiliation: yes, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!”(17:111)

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God is Most Great, may His Glory be exalted! In power and knowledge, greater is He than everything. For He is the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form, who through  His power fashions man like the universe; He writes the universe with the pen of His determining as He writes man with the same pen. For the macrocosm is like  the  microcosm:  both are fashioned  by His  power,  inscribed by His pen;  He creates the macrocosm  as a  place of prostration, while He  gives existence to  the microcosm as prostrating; He brings  the  former into being as a property, while He gives existence to the latter as owned and needy for the property; His art in the former displays it as a book, while His colouring in the latter  shines through speech; His power in the former reveals His majesty, while His mercy in the  latter arrays His bounty; His majesty in the former testifies that He is One, while His bounty in the latter proclaims that He is Single, Undivided; His stamp on the former is on all things, universal and particular, whether at rest or in motion, while  His seal on the latter is on the body and on the limbs, and on their cells and particles.
لَبَّي۟كَ وَ سَع۟دَي۟كَ جَلَّ جَلَالُهُ ٠ اَللّٰهُ اَك۟بَرُ مِن۟ كُلِّ شَى۟ءٍ قُد۟رَةً وَ عِل۟مًا اِذ۟ هُوَ ال۟خَالِقُ ال۟بَارِئُ ال۟مُصَوِّرُ الَّذٖى صَنَعَ ال۟اِن۟سَانَ بِقُد۟رَتِهٖ كَال۟كَائِنَاتِ وَ كَتَبَ ال۟كَائِنَاتِ بِقَلَمِ قَدَرِهٖ كَمَا كَتَبَ ال۟اِن۟سَانَ بِذٰلِكَ ال۟قَلَمِ اِذ۟ ذَاكَ ال۟عَالَمُ ال۟كَبٖيرُ كَهٰذَا ال۟عَالَمِ الصَّغٖيرِ مَص۟نُوعُ قُد۟رَتِهٖ مَك۟تُوبُ قَدَرِهٖ اِب۟دَاعُهُ لِذَاكَ صَيَّرَهُ مَس۟جِدًا اٖيجَادُهُ لِهٰذَا صَيَّرَهُ سَاجِدًا اِن۟شَائُهُ لِذَاكَ صَيَّرَ ذَاكَ مُل۟كًا بِنَائُهُ لِهٰذَا صَيَّرَهُ مَم۟لُوكًا صَن۟عَتُهُ فٖى ذَاكَ تَظَاهَرَت۟ كِتَابًا صِب۟غَتُهُ فٖى هٰذَا تَزَاهَرَت۟ خِطَابًا قُد۟رَتُهُ فٖى ذَاكَ تُظ۟هِرُ حِش۟مَتَهُ رَح۟مَتُهُ فٖى هٰذَا تَن۟ظِمُ نِع۟مَتَهُ حِش۟مَتُهُ فٖى ذَاكَ تَش۟هَدُ هُوَ ال۟وَاحِدُ نِع۟مَتُهُ فٖى هٰذَا تُع۟لِنُ هُوَ ال۟اَحَدُ سِكَّتُهُ فٖى ذَاكَ فِى ال۟كُلِّ وَ ال۟اَج۟زَاءِ سُكُونًا حَرَكَةً خَاتَمُهُ فٖى هٰذَا فِى ال۟جِس۟مِ وَ ال۟اَع۟ضَاءِ حُجَي۟رَةً ذَرَّةً ٠

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