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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Also, if there were no resurrection, all the certain meanings of the book of the universe, written with the pen of Divine Determining, would be nullified, which is completely impossible. It is as impossible as denying the universe’s existence, indeed, is a delirium." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And since there is man, who rules over the earth, which is thus, has disposal over most creatures, and subjects most living beings gathering them around himself; and since he so orders, displays, and gathers each remarkable species together in one place like a list, adorning them, that he attracts not only the attention and admiration of men and jinn, but of the dwellers of the heavens and the universe, and the appreciative gaze of the universe’s Owne..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Also, if there were no resurrection, all the certain meanings of the book of the universe, written with the pen of Divine Determining, would be nullified, which is completely impossible. It is as impossible as denying the universe’s existence, indeed, is a delirium." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
(Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 5 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
101. satır: 101. satır:
And since there is an extremely powerful, wise, and compassionate Disposer Who makes  the mighty globe into a treasury of every sort of metal and mineral that man needs in a way entirely beyond his strength and  will —who  despite being  weak, impotent, and wanting by nature and creation, has innumerable needs and is subject to innumerable pains— and since He makes it into a store of every sort of food, and a shop stocking goods of every kind that pleases man, and looks to man in this way, and nurtures him, and gives him what he wants...
And since there is an extremely powerful, wise, and compassionate Disposer Who makes  the mighty globe into a treasury of every sort of metal and mineral that man needs in a way entirely beyond his strength and  will —who  despite being  weak, impotent, and wanting by nature and creation, has innumerable needs and is subject to innumerable pains— and since He makes it into a store of every sort of food, and a shop stocking goods of every kind that pleases man, and looks to man in this way, and nurtures him, and gives him what he wants...

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And since there is a Sustainer Who is thus, Who both loves man and causes man to love Him, and Who is enduring and has eternal worlds, and Who performs every work with justice and carries out everything with wisdom; and since the splendour of that Pre-Eternal Sovereign’s rule and His eternal dominion cannot be contained in this brief worldly life, and in man’s fleeting span, and in the temporary and transient earth;
Ve madem bu hakikatteki bir Rab, hem insanı sever hem kendini insana sevdirir hem bâkidir hem bâki âlemleri var hem adaletle her işi görür ve hikmetle her şeyi yapıyor. Hem bu kısa hayat-ı dünyeviyede ve bu kısacık ömr-ü beşerde ve bu muvakkat ve fâni zeminde o Hâkim-i Ezelî’nin haşmet-i saltanatı ve sermediyet-i hâkimiyeti yerleşemiyor.

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and since the excessive  wrongdoing and rebellion that occur among men, which are contrary to and opposed to the universe’s order, justice, balance, and beauty, and their denial, treachery, and disbelief towards their Benefactor, Who nurtures them tenderly,— since they are not punished in this world, and the cruel oppressor passes his life in ease  while the unhappy oppressed  live in hardship; and since the absolute justice whose traces are to be seen throughout the universe is entirely opposed to the cruel tyrant and despairing oppressed being equal in death, and would in no way permit it...
Ve nev-i insanda vuku bulan ve kâinatın intizamına ve adalet ve muvazenelerine ve hüsn-ü cemaline münafî ve muhalif çok büyük zulümleri ve isyanları ve velinimetine ve onu şefkatle besleyene karşı ihanetleri, inkârları, küfürleri bu dünyada cezasız kalıp gaddar zalim, rahat ile hayatını ve bîçare mazlum, meşakkatler içinde ömürlerini geçirirler. Ve umum kâinatta eserleri görünen şu adalet-i mutlakanın mahiyeti ise dirilmemek suretiyle o gaddar zalimlerin ve meyus mazlumların vefat içindeki müsavatlarına bütün bütün zıttır, kaldırmaz, müsaade etmez!

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And since just as the universe’s Owner has chosen the earth from the universe, and man from the earth and bestowed on him a high rank and importance; so out of mankind He has chosen the prophets, saints, and purified ones, true human beings who conform to the aims of His dominicality and through their belief and submission make Him love them; He has taken them as friends and addressees, and bestowed miracles and success on them and punished  their  enemies with heavenly blows.
Ve madem nasıl ki kâinatın sahibi, kâinattan zemini ve zeminden nev-i insanı intihab edip gayet büyük bir makam, bir ehemmiyet vermiş. Öyle de nev-i insandan dahi makasıd-ı rububiyetine tevafuk eden ve kendilerini iman ve teslim ile ona sevdiren hakiki insanlar olan enbiya ve evliya ve asfiyayı intihab edip kendine dost ve muhatap ederek, onları mu’cizeler ve tevfikler ile ikram ve düşmanlarını semavî tokatlar ile tazip ediyor.

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And out of these worthy and lovable friends He has  chosen their leader and source of pride, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), and for long centuries has illuminated with his Light  half the globe and a fifth of humanity; as though the universe was created for him, all its purposes become apparent through him and his religion and the Qur’an.
Ve bu kıymetli, sevimli dostlarından dahi onların imamı ve mefhari olan Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı intihab ederek, ehemmiyetli küre-i arzın yarısını ve ehemmiyetli nev-i insanın beşten birisini uzun asırlarda onun nuruyla tenvir ediyor. Âdeta bu kâinat onun için yaratılmış gibi bütün gayeleri onun ile ve onun dini ile ve Kur’an’ı ile tezahür ediyor.

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And although he deserved to live for an infinite time in recompense for his infinitely valuable service, for millions of years, he only lived a brief sixty-three years of great hardship and striving. Is there any possibility then that he should not be resurrected together with all his peers and friends? That they should not now be living in the spirit? That they should have been annihilated eternally? God forbid, a hundred thousand times! Yes, all the universe and the reality of the world demand that he should be resurrected and they beseech the universe’s Owner that he should be living...
Ve o pek çok kıymettar ve milyonlar sene yaşayacak kadar hadsiz hizmetlerinin ücretlerini hadsiz bir zamanda almaya müstahak ve lâyık iken, gayet meşakkatler ve mücahedeler içinde altmış üç sene gibi kısacık bir ömür verilmiş. Acaba hiçbir cihetle hiçbir imkânı, hiçbir ihtimali, hiçbir kabiliyeti var mı ki o zat, bütün emsali ve dostlarıyla beraber dirilmesin ve şimdi de ruhen diri ve hay olmasın? İdam-ı ebedî ile mahvolsunlar? Hâşâ, yüz bin defa hâşâ ve kellâ! Evet, bütün kâinat ve hakikat-i âlem, onun dirilmesini dava eder ve hayatını Sahib-i kâinat’tan talep ediyor.

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And since in the Seventh Ray, The Supreme Sign, each with the strength of a mountain, the thirty-three  powerful consensuses have proved that the universe emerged from a single hand  and is  the property of a single being; and have demonstrated self-evidently  His unity and oneness, the means of the Divine perfections; and through unity and oneness all beings  become  like soldiers under orders and subservient officials; and with the coming of the hereafter, perfections are saved from decline, absolute  justice from mocking cruelty, universal wisdom from foolish absurdity, all-embracing mercy from jeering torment, and the dignity of power from abased impotence, and they are exonerated from this...
Ve madem Yedinci Şuâ olan Âyetü’l-Kübra’da her biri bir dağ kuvvetinde otuz üç adet icma-ı azîm ispat etmişler ki: Bu kâinat bir elden çıkmış ve bir tek zatın mülküdür. Ve kemalât-ı İlahiyenin medarı olan vahdetini ve ehadiyetini bedahetle göstermişler. Ve vahdet ve ehadiyet ile bütün kâinat, o Zat-ı Vâhid’in emirber neferleri ve musahhar memurları hükmüne geçiyor. Ve âhiretin gelmesiyle, kemalâtı sukuttan ve adalet-i mutlakası müstehziyane gadr-ı mutlaktan ve hikmet-i âmmesi sefahetkârane abesiyetten ve rahmet-i vâsiası lâhiyane tazibden ve izzet-i kudreti zelilane aczden kurtulurlar, takaddüs ederler.

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Certainly and without any doubt, as necessitated by the truths in these six ‘sinces’ —six out of hundreds of points of belief in God— the end of the world shall come and the resurrection of the dead occur. Abodes of reward and punishment shall be thrown open so  that  the above-mentioned importance of the earth, and its centrality, and man’s importance and value shall  be realized, and  the above-mentioned  justice, wisdom, mercy, and sovereignty of the All-Wise Disposer, Who is the Creator of the earth and of man, and their Sustainer, shall be established; and the true and yearning friends of that eternal Sustainer shall be saved from eternal annihilation; and the most eminent and worthy of those friends receive the recompense for his sacred services, which have made all beings pleased and indebted; and the perfections of the Eternal Sovereign should be exempted and exonerated from all  fault and deficiency, and His power from impotence, and  His wisdom from foolishness, and His justice from tyranny.
Elbette ve elbette ve herhalde iman-ı billahın yüzer nüktesinden bu altı mademlerdeki hakikatlerin muktezasıyla; kıyamet kopacak, haşir ve neşir olacak, dâr-ı mücazat ve mükâfat açılacak. Tâ ki arzın mezkûr ehemmiyeti ve merkeziyeti ve insanın ehemmiyeti ve kıymeti tahakkuk edebilsin. Ve arz ve insanın Hâlık’ı ve Rabb’i olan Mutasarrıf-ı Hakîm’in mezkûr adaleti, hikmeti, rahmeti, saltanatı takarrur edebilsin. Ve o Bâki Rabb’in mezkûr hakiki dostları ve müştakları idam-ı ebedîden kurtulsun. Ve o dostların en büyüğü ve en kıymettarı, bütün kâinatı memnun ve minnettar eden kudsî hizmetlerinin mükâfatını görsün. Ve Sultan-ı Sermedî’nin kemalâtı naks ve kusurdan ve kudreti aczden ve hikmeti sefahetten ve adaleti zulümden tenezzüh ve takaddüs ve teberri etsin.

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'''In Short:''' Since God exists, so does the hereafter certainly exist.
'''Elhasıl: Madem Allah var, elbette âhiret vardır.'''

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Moreover, just as with all the evidences that prove them, the above three pillars of belief testify to and indicate resurrection; so do the two pillars “and in the angels, and in Divine Determining, that both the  good of it and the evil of it are from God Almighty” also necessitate resurrection and testify in powerful fashion to the eternal realm. It is like this:
Hem nasıl ki mezkûr üç erkân-ı imaniye onları ispat eden bütün delilleriyle haşre şehadet ve delâlet ederler. Öyle de وَ بِمَلٰئِكَتِهٖ وَ بِال۟قَدَرِ خَي۟رِهٖ وَ شَرِّهٖ مِنَ اللّٰهِ تَعَالٰى olan iki rükn-ü imanî dahi haşri istilzam edip kuvvetli bir surette âlem-i bekaya şehadet ve delâlet ederler. Şöyle ki:

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All the evidences proving the existence of the angels and their duties of worship, and  innumerable observations of them and conversations with them, prove indirectly the existence of the Spirit World, and the World of the Unseen, and the eternal realm and world of the hereafter, and the existence of an abode of happiness and Paradise and Hell, which in the future shall be populated with men and jinn. For with Divine permission, the angels can see these worlds and enter them. And all the high-ranking angels who meet with humans, like Gabriel, tell unanimously of the existence of these worlds and of their travelling round them. Just as we are certain, due to  the information of those coming from there, that the continent of America exists, although we have not seen it, so due to information about the angels, which has the strength of a hundredfold consensus, we should believe with the same certainty in the existence of the world of eternity, the realm of the hereafter, and Paradise and Hell. And so we do believe in it.
Melâikenin vücudunu ve vazife-i ubudiyetlerini ispat eden bütün deliller ve hadsiz müşahedeler, mükâlemeler, dolayısıyla âlem-i ervahın ve âlem-i gaybın ve âlem-i bekanın ve âlem-i âhiretin ve ileride cin ve ins ile şenlendirilecek olan dâr-ı saadetin ve cennet ve cehennemin vücudlarına delâlet ederler. Çünkü melekler bu âlemleri izn-i İlahî ile görebilirler ve girerler. Ve Hazret-i Cebrail gibi, insanlar ile görüşen umum melâike-i mukarrebîn mezkûr âlemlerin vücudlarını ve onlar, onlarda gezdiklerini müttefikan haber veriyorlar. Görmediğimiz Amerika kıtasının vücudunu, ondan gelenlerin ihbarıyla bedihî bildiğimiz gibi yüz tevatür kuvvetinde bulunan melâike ihbaratıyla âlem-i bekanın ve dâr-ı âhiretin ve cennet ve cehennemin vücudlarına o kat’iyette iman etmek gerektir ve öyle de iman ederiz.

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Furthermore, all the evidences proving the pillar of “belief in Divine Determining,” included in the  Treatise On Divine  Determining, the Twenty-Sixth  Word, prove indirectly the resurrection of the dead, the balancing of deeds on the supreme scales, and the publishing of the pages of deeds. For the recording before our eyes of the appointed courses of all things on the tablets of order and balance, and the inscribing of the life-stories of all living beings in their faculties of memory, and the transcribing of the  notebooks of deeds of all beings with spirits, and  especially men, on the Preserved Tablet, such a  comprehensive determining and wise apportioning  and precise recording and preserving inscription could surely only be the result of a general judgement in a supreme tribunal set up to deal out permanent reward and punishment. That comprehensive and precise  recording and preservation  would otherwise  be completely meaningless and purposeless, and contrary to wisdom and reality.
Hem Yirmi Altıncı Söz olan Risale-i Kader’de “iman-ı bi’l-kader” rüknünü ispat eden bütün deliller, dolayısıyla haşre ve neşr-i suhufa ve mizan-ı ekberdeki muvazene-i a’male delâlet ederler. Çünkü her şeyin mukadderatını gözümüz önünde nizam ve mizan levhalarında kaydetmek ve her zîhayatın sergüzeşt-i hayatiyelerini kuvve-i hâfızalarında ve çekirdeklerinde ve sair elvah-ı misaliyede yazmak ve her zîruhun hususan insanların defter-i a’mallerini elvah-ı mahfuzada tesbit etmek ve geçirmek; elbette öyle muhit bir kader ve hakîmane bir takdir ve müdakkikane bir kayıt ve hafîzane bir kitabet, ancak mahkeme-i kübrada umumî bir muhakeme neticesinde daimî bir mükâfat ve mücazat için olabilir. Yoksa o ihatalı ve inceden ince olan kayıt ve muhafaza, bütün bütün manasız, faydasız kalır, hikmete ve hakikate münafî olur.

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Also, if there were no resurrection, all the certain meanings of the book of the universe,  written with the pen of Divine Determining,  would be nullified,  which is completely impossible. It is as impossible as denying the universe’s existence, indeed, is a delirium.
Hem haşir gelmezse kader kalemiyle yazılan bu kitab-ı kâinatın bütün muhakkak manaları bozulur ki hiçbir cihet-i imkânı olamaz ve o ihtimal, bu kâinatın vücudunu inkâr gibi bir muhal belki bir hezeyan olur.

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'''In Short:''' With all their evidences the five pillars of belief demand the occurrence of the  resurrection and Last Judgement, and their existence, and the existence and opening up of the realm of the hereafter, and they testify to these and necessitate them. Thus, it is because there are such vast and unshakeable supports and proofs of the resurrection, completely in conformity with its vastness, that almost one third of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is formed by resurrection and the hereafter, and it makes it the basis and foundation stone of all its truths, and constructs everything on it.
'''Elhasıl:''' İmanın beş rüknü bütün delilleriyle, haşir ve neşrin vukuuna ve vücuduna ve dâr-ı âhiretin vücuduna ve açılmasına delâlet edip isterler ve şehadet edip talep ederler. İşte hakikat-i haşriyenin azametine tam muvafık böyle azametli ve sarsılmaz direkleri ve bürhanları bulunduğu içindir ki Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın hemen hemen üçten birisi haşir ve âhireti teşkil ediyor ve onu bütün hakaikine temel taşı ve üssü’l-esas yapıyor ve her şeyi onun üstüne bina ediyor.

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(The end of the Introduction)
(Mukaddime nihayet buldu.)

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<center> [[Yedinci Şuâ]] ⇐ | [[Şualar]] | ⇒ [[On Birinci Şuâ]] </center>
<center> [[Yedinci Şuâ/en|The Seventh Ray]] ⇐ | [[Şualar/en|The Rays]] | ⇒ [[On Birinci Şuâ/en|On Birinci Şuâ]] </center>