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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''One of these:''' One day while reciting in a supplication: “O My Sustainer! In veneration of Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, and Azra’il, and through their intercession, preserve me from the evil of men and jinn,” I experienced an exceedingly pleasant and consoling state of mind on mentioning the name of Azra’il, which generally makes people tremble in fear. “All praise be to God!” I exlaimed, and began to feel earnest love for him. I shall po..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==The Eleventh Topic==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''One of these:''' One day while reciting in a supplication: “O My Sustainer! In veneration of Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, and Azra’il, and through their intercession, preserve me from the evil of men and jinn,” I experienced an exceedingly pleasant and consoling state of mind on mentioning the name of Azra’il, which generally makes people tremble in fear. “All praise be to God!” I exlaimed, and began to feel earnest love for him. I shall po..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
725. satır: 725. satır:
Then, a question occurred to me the decisive answer to which is included in the Thirteenth  Flash,  about  the  wisdom  in  seeking  refuge  with  God  from  Satan.
Then, a question occurred to me the decisive answer to which is included in the Thirteenth  Flash,  about  the  wisdom  in  seeking  refuge  with  God  from  Satan.

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In meaning  it  asked  me:  “The  people  of  guidance  are  assisted  and  strengthened  by innumerable sweet fruits and benefits like these, the fine results of good deeds, and the Most Merciful of the  Merciful’s compassionate succour and assistance, so why are they frequently defeated by the  people of misguidance, and sometimes twenty or a hundred of them are routed?” While pondering over this, I recalled the mobilizations and angels in the Qur’an in the face of  Satan’s feeble machinations, and Almighty God’s sending assistance to the people of belief. Since the Risale-i Nur has explained the purpose and wisdom of this with decisive proofs, we shall here allude to it only briefly.
“Bu meyveler gibi hadsiz tatlı semereler ve faydalar ve hasenatın gayet güzel neticeleri ve menfaatleri ve Erhamü’r-Râhimîn’in gayet merhametkârane tevfikleri ve inayetleri ehl-i hidayete yardım edip kuvvet verdikleri halde, ehl-i dalalet neden çok defa galebe eder ve bazen yirmisi, yüz tane ehl-i hidayeti perişan eder?” diye manen benden soruldu. Ve bu tefekkür içinde, şeytanın gayet zayıf desiselerine karşı Kur’an’ın büyük tahşidatı ve melâikeleri ve Cenab-ı Hakk’ın yardımını ehl-i imana göndermesi hatıra geldi. Risale-i Nur’un onun hikmetini kat’î hüccetlerle izahına binaen, o sualin cevabına gayet kısa bir işaret ederiz:

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Yes, sometimes in the face of a single vandal trying to set fire to a palace which a hundred men have made, the palace can remain standing only through a hundred men protecting it and by having recourse to the government and the king. For its existence is possible  only through  the existence of all its conditions and causes, but its non- existence and destruction may occur through the non-existence of a single condition. Just as the palace may be burnt to the ground by a layabout with a single match, so with some small actions, satans from among jinn and men cause vast destruction and terrible non-physical conflagrations.
Evet, bazen serseri ve gizli, muzır bir adamın bir saraya ateş atmaya çalışması yüzünden –yüzer adamın yapması gibi– yüzer adamın muhafazası ile ve bazen devlete ve padişaha iltica ile o sarayın vücudu devam edebilir. Çünkü onun vücudu, bütün şeraitin ve erkânın ve esbabın vücuduyla olabilir. Fakat onun ademi ve harap olması bir tek şartın ademiyle vaki ve bir serserinin bir kibritiyle yanıp mahvolduğu gibi, ins ve cin şeytanları az bir fiil ile büyük tahribat ve dehşetli manevî yangınlar yaparlar.

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