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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"in my imagination I entered my grave, telling myself: “I am bound to enter here, the same as everyone else.” While taking fright at the bleakness and despair of the lonely, dark, cold, narrow solitary confinement of the grave, two blessed friends resembling Munkar and Nakir appeared. They began to debate with me. My heart and grave were broadened, illumined, and warmed; windows were opened up onto the world of spirits. I felt truly happy at that si..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("just as Paradise bears the crops of all the worlds of existence and produces the eternal shoots of the seeds grown in this world; so in order to display the grievous consequences of the innumerable terrible worlds of non- existence and nothingness, Hell scorches up the products of that non-existence, and among its other functions, that terrible factory cleanses the universe of existence of the filth of the world of non-existence. For now we shal..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("in my imagination I entered my grave, telling myself: “I am bound to enter here, the same as everyone else.” While taking fright at the bleakness and despair of the lonely, dark, cold, narrow solitary confinement of the grave, two blessed friends resembling Munkar and Nakir appeared. They began to debate with me. My heart and grave were broadened, illumined, and warmed; windows were opened up onto the world of spirits. I felt truly happy at that si..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
739. satır: 739. satır:
Another particular and example of the fruit of belief in the angels concerns the questioning  angels, Munkar and Nakir;(*<ref>*al-Tirmidhi, Jana’iz, 70; Abu Da’ud (in meaning), ii, 540, 541; Ibn Maja, Jana’iz, 65; Musnad, iii, 126; iv, 288.</ref>)it is this:
Another particular and example of the fruit of belief in the angels concerns the questioning  angels, Munkar and Nakir;(*<ref>*al-Tirmidhi, Jana’iz, 70; Abu Da’ud (in meaning), ii, 540, 541; Ibn Maja, Jana’iz, 65; Musnad, iii, 126; iv, 288.</ref>)it is this:

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in my imagination I entered my grave, telling myself: “I am bound to enter here, the same as everyone else.” While taking fright at  the bleakness and despair of the lonely, dark, cold, narrow solitary confinement of the grave, two blessed friends resembling Munkar and Nakir appeared. They began to debate with me. My heart and grave were broadened, illumined, and warmed; windows were opened up onto the world of spirits. I felt truly happy at that situation which I saw in the imagination then, and will see in reality in the future, and I offered thanks.
Herkes gibi ben dahi muhakkak gireceğim, diye mezarıma hayalen girdim. Ve kabirde yalnız, kimsesiz, karanlık, soğuk, dar bir haps-i münferidde bir tecrid-i mutlak içindeki tevahhuş ve meyusiyetten tedehhüş ederken, birden Münker ve Nekir taifesinden iki mübarek arkadaş çıkıp geldiler. Benimle münazaraya başladılar. Kalbim ve kabrim genişlediler, nurlandılar, hararetlendiler; âlem-i ervaha pencereler açıldı. Ben de şimdi hayalen ve istikbalde hakikaten göreceğim o vaziyete bütün canımla sevindim ve şükrettim.

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