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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"an innocent child who had learnt his lesson from the Ilm-i Hal, said to another child who was wailing at the death of his little brother: “Don’t cry, be thankful, because your brother has gone to heaven and is with the angels. He is enjoying himself there and having a better time than us. He is flying around like the angels, and taking a look at everything.” He turned his friend’s woeful tears into happy smiles." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("A medrese student who was studying Arabic grammar died and in replying to Munkar and Nakir’s question of “Who is your Sustainer?”, thought he was in his own medrese and said: “‘Who’ is the subject, ‘your Sustainer’ is its predicate; ask me something difficult; that’s easy.” It made both the angels, and the spirits who were present, and a diviner of graves who witnessed the incident, laugh, and brought a smile to Divine mercy. Bei..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("an innocent child who had learnt his lesson from the Ilm-i Hal, said to another child who was wailing at the death of his little brother: “Don’t cry, be thankful, because your brother has gone to heaven and is with the angels. He is enjoying himself there and having a better time than us. He is flying around like the angels, and taking a look at everything.” He turned his friend’s woeful tears into happy smiles." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
745. satır: 745. satır:
Another small example of belief in the angels leading to worldly happiness is this:
Another small example of belief in the angels leading to worldly happiness is this:

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an innocent child who had learnt his lesson from the Ilm-i Hal, said to another child who was  wailing at the death of his little brother: “Don’t cry, be thankful, because your brother has gone to heaven and is with the angels. He is enjoying himself there and having a better time than us. He is flying around like the angels, and taking a look at everything.” He turned his friend’s woeful tears into happy smiles.
İlmihalden iman dersini alan bir masum çocuğun, yanında ağlayan ve masum bir kardeşinin vefatı için vaveylâ eden diğer bir çocuğa: “Ağlama, şükreyle. Senin kardeşin meleklerle beraber cennete gitti; orada gezer, bizden daha iyi keyfedecek, melekler gibi uçacak, her yeri seyredebilir.” deyip feryat edenin ağlamasını tebessüme ve sevince çevirmesidir.

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Exactly like that weeping child, in the grim situation of this sorrowful winter I received news of two deaths. One was my nephew, the late Fuad, who had both come first in advanced schools, and had published the truths of the Risale-i Nur. The second was my late sister,  called Hanim, a scholar  who  went  on the Hajj and died while circumambulating the Ka‘ba. These deaths of two relatives made me weep, like that of the late  Abdurrahman, which is described  in the Treatise For  The Elderly. Then, through the light of belief I saw in my heart that  the innocent Fuad and righteous Hanim had as companions angels and houris in place of humans and had been saved from the perils and sins of this world. Feeling overwhelming joy instead of that searing sorrow, I congratulated both them, and Fuad’s father, Abdülmecid, and myself, and I offered thanks to the Most Merciful of the Merciful. This has been included here as a prayer for mercy for the two departed.
Ben de aynen bu ağlayan çocuk gibi bu hazîn kışta ve elîm bir vaziyetimde gayet elîm iki vefat haberini aldım. Biri, hem âlî mekteplerde birinciliği kazanan hem Risale-i Nur’un hakikatlerini neşreden biraderzadem merhum Fuad; ikincisi, hacca gidip sekerat içinde tavaf ederken tavaf içinde vefat eden âlime Hanım namındaki merhume hemşirem. Bu iki akrabamın ölümleri, İhtiyar Risalesi’nde yazılan merhum Abdurrahman’ın vefatı gibi beni ağlatırken; imanın nuruyla o masum Fuad, o saliha Hanım, insanlar yerinde meleklere, hurilere arkadaş olduklarını ve bu dünyanın tehlike ve günahlarından kurtulduklarını manen, kalben gördüm. O şiddetli hüzün yerinde büyük bir sevinç hissedip hem onları hem Fuad’ın pederi kardeşim Abdülmecid’i hem kendimi tebrik ederek Erhamü’r-Râhimîn’e şükrettim. Bu iki merhumeye rahmet duası niyetiyle buraya yazıldı, kaydedildi.

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All the comparisons and allegories in the Risale-i Nur describe the fruits of belief that have as their consequences happiness in this world and the next. In respect of the happiness and pleasures of life they display in this world, those universal and extensive fruits give news that they will gain for man everlasting happiness, indeed, that they will produce shoots and develop in that way.
Risale-i Nur’daki bütün mizanlar ve muvazeneler, imanın saadet-i dünyeviyeye ve uhreviyeye medar meyvelerini beyan ederler. Ve o küllî ve büyük meyveler, bu dünyada gösterdikleri saadet-i hayatiye ve lezzet-i ömür cihetiyle her mü’minin imanı ona bir saadet-i ebediyeyi kazandıracak belki sümbül verecek ve o surette inkişaf edecek, diye haber verirler.

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Five of those numerous universal fruits have been written at the end of the Thirty-First Word as fruits of the Ascension, and five are included as examples in the Fifth Branch of the Twenty-Fourth Word.
Ve o küllî ve pek çok meyvelerinden beş meyvesi, meyve-i mi’rac olarak Otuz Birinci Söz’ün âhirinde ve beş meyvesi Yirmi Dördüncü Söz’ün Beşinci Dal’ında numune olarak yazılmış. Erkân-ı imaniyenin her birinin ayrı ayrı pek çok belki hadsiz meyveleri olduğu gibi mecmuunun birden çok meyvelerinden bir meyvesi, koca cennet ve biri de saadet-i ebediye ve biri de belki en tatlısı da rü’yet-i İlahiyedir, diye başta demiştik. Ve Otuz İkinci Söz’ün âhirindeki muvazenede, imanın saadet-i dâreyne medar bir kısım semereleri güzel izah edilmiş.
We said at the beginning that each of the pillars of faith have numerous different fruits,  even innumerable fruits, and that similarly, a single fruit of the totality of the fruits is vast Paradise, and another is eternal happiness, while another and perhaps the sweetest is the vision of God. Also some of the fruits of belief yielding happiness in both worlds, this world and the hereafter, have been well described in the comparison at the end of the Thirty-Second Word.

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